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Disappointing Horror Movies of 2022


2022 has been a year of long-awaited awaited horror movies like SCREAM, Nope, Halloween Ends, and the sequel to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 

However, not all films ended up being successful and some of the highly anticipated movies were disappointing. Some, of course, were surprise hits. 

But now, back to the Horror Movies that left horror fans feeling disappointed. And then there are those movies that were clearly overrated. 

1.Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The popular movie franchise returns after five years. It was supposed to reinvent the franchise with new characters but the same old threat known as Leatherface. 

The reason the movie does not work is that Leatherface doesn’t come off as terrifying. In fact, Leatherface is no longer a mindless killer but one seeking revenge after the other characters in the movie harass the person he cared for the most. And that old woman was harmless. 

It is hard to support characters who had devious means to begin with. 

The movie released on Netflix and while the critics gave it negative reviews, the movie still managed to get a decent viewership. 

2.Studio 666: The Foo Fighters in a horror-comedy. That seems like a recipe for success. Except it wasn’t. 

Studio 666 performed poorly at the box office and some critics didn’t think the movie was neither scary or humorous. 

However, the movie was actually a lot of fun, and the music is awesome. This is one of those instances where the negative ratings are inaccurate. 

3.Crimes of the Future: Kristen Stewart stars alongside Viggo Mortenson and Léa Seydoux in David Cronenberg’s sci-fi horror CRIMES OF THE FUTURE. 

The movie was made on a big budget and could hardly recover costs. 

When it was showcased at the Cannes Festival, several audience members walked out, although the makers expected this kind of reaction and thought it to be flattering. They had made a movie that had managed to evoke a response from the audience. 

However, when it was released in cinemas, the seats remained empty and while critics gave it some positive reviews, the general consensus was that the movie was too convoluted and a bore. 

4.Halloween Ends: The trilogy that started in 2018, comes to an end with Halloween Ends. The movie was highly-anticipated as it was supposed to be the closing chapter for both Laurie Strode and Michael Myers. 

But when the movie was released, fans of the franchise were disappointed to learn that the film put the spotlight on a new character rather than the main antagonist Michael Myers. 

Despite its low ratings by the critics and audience, Halloween Ends still managed a decent week and has collected $104.9 million worldwide. 


5.Umma: Sandra Oh’s UMMA turned out to be a lukewarm affair with nothing but jump scares and little in the way of a story. While the movie had an interesting premise, along the way, it lost its steam and the ending seemed rushed. 

The movie was produced by Sam Raimi and earned a decent fare at the box office. 


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