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Showing posts from January, 2021

Evil Eye-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Usha is convinced that the man her daughter Pallavi is dating is the same man who tried to harm her in his previous birth.  There’s always been this curiosity about what happens when you die. Do you simply stop existing? Does your soul go to heaven or hell? Or does our soul enter another body? A rebirth. A reincarnation. The concept of reincarnation is fascinating for the fact that it offers a second chance. If we believe in reincarnation we can feel like maybe we can get things right in another life. The concept of reincarnation is after all based on the notion that we are all here to serve a purpose and for some reason when we cannot complete our mission in this world, we are brought back. The cycle repeats until we learn what he has to do and complete the mission we were created for. So yes, reincarnation stories are fascinating but not all of them are good and engaging.

Nocturne-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Juliet lets her jealousy towards her twin Vivian get the best of her. She will do anything to get what her sister has even if it means obtaining them through devious means.  Being competitive is one thing. Being jealous is quite another thing that can be often destructive. See when you are competitive, you are pushing yourself to be better at something. Yes, you are competing with another person to get the coveted spot but you don’t necessarily hate them. You just want to get better to the point that you either become as good as your competition or pass them in a number of accomplishments. When you are jealous, you’re wasting time thinking about why you can’t have the same dedication or skill or talent as your opponent. Why should they get all the attention and prizes? So rather working on sharpening your skills, a lot of time is wasted on hoping your opponent fails so that you win by default. Jealousy is clearly a waste of time and an insult to whatever talents we must h

Don't Look Back-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: After Caitlin witnesses a mugging incident where the victim dies. she is certain something evil is now following her and the other witnesses.  We all like to believe we are nice, courageous, selfless people. We’ve seen enough superhero movies to believe that f we had the same powers, we would do good for mankind too. And maybe some of us do manage to help others without thinking about ourselves first. But most of us are always going to think about the repercussions of helping others, especially where danger is involved. If we see someone getting mugged or beaten up unless we know for sure we can get the upper hand, will we really intervene, knowing we could be attacked too, or worse, the criminal could get away, find us, and go after our loved ones too? It is too much of a risk. Especially when you have dependents, you are unlikely to put yourself at risk to help a stranger.

Black Box-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: After losing his memory in an accident, Nolan tries to piece together his life with the help of an experimental treatment. But what he remembers doesn't coincide with what he is being told.  Memories are the most integral part of us. Our character is built on the moments we experience, the memories we retain, the lessons we learn from them. Without it, we are just empty vessels, zombies that need instructions on how to go on with our daily lives. Another thing about memories, they help us hold on to the good things we have experienced, the happiness we felt at a particular moment. Any time we are sad, our brain brings up the happy moments to assure us that not everything is bad, not everyone is heartless and the world isn’t so cruel. Where there were happy moments that you experienced, there are the bad ones but they too shall pass.

The Lie-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: After pushing her friend Britney off a bridge, Kayla seems unaffected much to the surprise of her parents.  You must have heard of the saying 'It runs in the family.' Anything a child does, especially, is blamed on the parents. The child is well-behaved? Oh, so are the parents. The child is insolent and a liar, well, the parents aren’t saints either. It must run in the family. Like father, like son. Like mother, like daughter. Truth be told, a child’s upbringing is solely the parent’s responsibility, so if the kid isn’t behaving, the parents will always be blamed. It must be a difficult job being a parent, especially to a teenager because that is when they start keeping secrets. No matter how hard a parent tries, the teenager is now exposed to the world and they are trying to figure their way around. They are going to meet people they want to impress, learn from, avoid or attract. At this point, they aren’t always going to figure out what is right or wrong for the