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Showing posts from April, 2021

Spell-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

  Plot Summary: A man, on the way to a funeral with his family on a plane, gets into an accident. When he awakens he finds himself under the care of a strange woman.  Remember the acclaimed book and movie Misery? It was a story about a writer's number one fan who was also a psychotic former nurse. She was so crazy about his writing and the protagonist of his book series that when he killed off the fictional character, Anne, the psycho kidnaps him after Paul the writer meets with an accident. To make sure he doesn't escape, she chops off his foot in the book version. In the movie version, she uses a sledgehammer.

Bloody Hell-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: Following a bank robbery mishap, Rex tries to make an escape to another country for a fresh start only for things to go horribly wrong. We can all be heroes, at least that is what we like to think.  We see an incident on the news regarding a robbery or hijacking and will find ourselves gloating to others or to yourself that if we were in that situation, we would have totally overpowered the enemy. We have seen enough action movies for experience after all.  And then we envision ourselves being revered, getting awarded for our bravery, being felicitated everywhere we went. Still sounds good, doesn't it?  But that is what fantasy is, unrealistic.  Bloody Hell shows how one act of bravery on your part can go completely wrong.

Rage House

There was something about the way Neil looked at her that made Alisha feel nervous. He was supposed to be her best friend, nothing more. One night, he decides he wants more than friendship from her. RAGE HOUSE Read an excerpt HERE

The Mortuary Collection-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: Sam applies for a job at the mortuary. Before she takes the job, she first wants the mortician to tell her some horrific tales.  Everyone loves a good story, don't they? Ever since we were kids we've enjoyed being told stories and being fascinated by them. As adults, we still love stories; they sure used to put a spark in our otherwise mundane existence. But when we want to hear new stories, do we simply go up to a person we've just met and demand they tell us a story? Probably not. However in The Mortuary Collection when a woman named Sam comes to a mortuary managed by an elderly man named Montgomery Dark for work and then demands he tell her some stories, it seems a bit of a too convenient start of an anthology. The stories being told don't flow organically one after another like A Night of Horror: Nightmare Radio. Now that was an anthology well put together with some pretty scary stories too.

The Dark and the Wicked-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

  Plot Summary: Siblings Louise and Michael visit their dying father in a farm. But there's evil lurking in the house. Something dark and wicked.  Usually, you'll find horror film titles beginning with the Dark so and so... Or the Wicked man, woman, witch. This movie claims to have both Darkness and wickedness in it. So the result has to be one scary movie, right? But the question would be is the title used to describe one entity or is it about the dark (demon) and the wicked (human)? The movie takes place on a rural farm where the lighting is always dull and the goats are always bleating.

The Resort-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Four friends go searching for the Half-faced girl on a secluded island. They are soon faced with a living nightmare. Writing can be a real challenge because whether or not you're working on fiction or non-fiction, conducting research becomes the essential part of the process. Some writers find it easy to conduct their research online, after all, the internet is a vast library of knowledge and pretty much every topic under the sun. Then there are those who actually visit places and meet people they are writing about or basing their characters on. Now, this can be a bit expensive because you'll probably have to pay a small sum at least in ticket fares and lodging, so only a few writers can accomplish investing an amount for research. The rest of us writers are sort of starving, waiting for that one opportunity when they will be noticed and earn a few bucks to afford bread and butter. Or at least half a loaf. Anyway, it's fun to watch movies and read stories abou

The Empty Man (2020)-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

  Plot Summary: James, an ex-cop, searches for his neighbour's daughter after she and her friends summon The Empty Man.  Consider this, you have a chance to summon an entity and you know with absolute certainty that the entity will come. So you call this entity and of course, it makes sense that you want this entity to do something for you. You don't want to just call upon a supernatural entity just so that it can haunt you, right? Well, that's who the Empty Man is. Simply empty. People keep summoning him but what exactly does he do apart from making you murder yourself?