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Showing posts from January, 2020

The Assent (2019) -- My take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: Joel suspects his son is possessed but when the priest is called, a dark truth is revealed.  The mind can be so dangerous. We believe in what we see and hear. That is the truth of this world for us. Then suddenly the mind collapses when experiencing trauma and causes a mental disorder. What you see now is no longer the truth, but it is yours only. The shadows, the voices, are they really there or a trick of the broken mind? The Assent Plot The story is about Joel, a man struggling to keep it together so that he can keep his son Mason with him. He works as a mechanic, sees a therapist on a regular basis, and has a babysitter to take care of his son when he has to go work. With what little he has, he has managed to keep stable. But he does see visions of demons that he believes to be because of his schizophrenia. Joel tries to make his life work and when we see him blow up in anger, his frustrations are palpable. Then one day, the babysitter announces that she’s leaving for

Countdown (2019) — My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: When Quinn uses an app to predict when she is about to die, she must race against time to save herself .  There is an app for everything. And I mean everything. Bored? There’s an app for reading books, listening to music, watching movies, and playing games. Want to sharpen up your vocabulary? There’s an app. Want to count your steps per day. App. How much water do you drink? Your app will calculate for you. From the time you wake up, whether you took a shower and brushed your teeth or not, to what is your blood pressure and pulse rate, to how many hours of sleep are you getting per day...there’s an app. Imagine it and there will probably be an app for that. All that is left, is an app that will tell you when you die. Apart from that, your smartphone with countless apps will take care of your every need. COUNTDOWN Movie Plot  Countdown touches upon the growing addiction of adding apps to your phone. So when a group of teens find there’s an app on the store that tells you w

Barot House-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: A series of killings rips apart the Barot Family. When the killer's identity is revealed, it causes further turmoil.  At times, we believe we can do anything for our family. Sure, there may be disagreements, arguments, insults hurled here and there...but at the end of the day, the only reason we attempt to reconcile is that in this whole scary big world, we have a few people who are our blood. And they have to be there for us, right? Of course, it is important to what extent you disagree with a family member. If it is utterly impossible to see eye to eye, and every day with them makes you unhappy, then is it better to walk away or continue to compromise? All of that depends on the individual situation. Family is perhaps the most complicated relationship you can ever be in. You may not like each other, but hey, you have the same blood. Barot House takes complicated family dynamics to a whole new level. Here, we have Amit, a husband with one son and three daughters, a w


From Chapter Eleven  The cracking sounds of bones resonated in the thick cold night air. Aksh watched the girl in front of him wriggle in her own skin. He was reminded of a snake shedding its skin—a sight he had not been able to forget when he had watched it on the science channel. The girl who had been missing for two years and who se  disappearance had been riddled with conspiracies, was in front of him struggling with a demon inside her. Her bones was moving visibly in her body and her mouth opened for a scream, but he heard nothing. “ Help me!” She managed once ,  before her face morphed into that of a wolf. Aksh stepped back, wanting to run away from the horrifying sight but too stumped to do anything else but watch her be tormented. She collapsed to the ground, wriggling and fighting. Her arm raised, she was beckoning him, but he wouldn’t move. “ I’m sorry,”   He mumbled and raised his foot to walk away when she let out a scream- a human one. “ You took a H

Haunted Places: Al Qasimi Palace

Haunted Places: Al Qasimi Palace, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE Sometime in the 1980s, a royal family spent 500 million dirhams to build a home for themselves. This palace has chandeliers, paintings, extravagant furniture, everything to make this a spectacular home.  But after the first night itself, the family fled and never stayed there again.  What could be the reason? Till today, there is no explanation or evidence of a haunting, but that is what the royal family claimed. They were so frightened by what they experienced in one night, that they were ready to leave behind their home and never return.  Years later, there have been some adventurous and curious people who have ventured inside.  There is a watchman by the gates who allows anyone looking to solve the mystery of the palace. But does he go in himself? Not at all.  The neighbors and the watchman claim to have heard wails at night, and children peeking from the windows.  But those who have gone in, haven’t

The Shasta Triangle-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: When her father disappears from a spot in the forest known as THE SHASTA TRIANGLE, Paula decides to find him with the help of her friends.  Over the years, a lot of people aboard planes and ships have been thought to disappear at the Bermuda Triangle. Since no remains are ever found, the disappearances have been attributed to paranormal activity, and yes, even alien abduction. Offer this explanation to a scientist and they will do whatever it takes to debunk it. Human error or bad weather caused the planes and ships to disappear, they will tell you. But again, this is only a theory. What is the actual proof that aliens have indeed not set up an area on the globe from where they suck out people? Then again, there would have been proof of that as well. Maybe a spaceship sighting? Anyway, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle would be solved someday with actual facts, but in the meantime, this all has become fodder for sci-fi filmmakers. THE SHASTA TRIANGLE Movie Plot  The Sha

Happy New Year! Horror Movies 2020

The year 2019 delivered some pretty exciting and spooky horror movies.  Yes, some so-called “most awaited” movies turned out to be almost comical and cliched. Luckily there were low budget movies with interesting twists and and spooky atmosphere to work.  As they say, never judge a book by is cover and never judge a movie by its budget.  2020 has an interesting line-up. Some are sequels, others based on best selling novels.  I’m still disappointed that no one is thinking of rebooting Ghost Ship. I still remember how terrified I was when I first watched it. The scene with the girl dancing with the captain, only for everyone on board to have their heads cut off...still gives me chills.  Maybe someone will surprise me this year with a story inspired by it at least?  Let’s see... Here are some of the movies I’m looking forward to this year:  Brahms: The Boy 2— The first part had a very surprising twist. Spoiler alert: the boy doll a woman was hired to take