Bloody Hell-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: Following a bank robbery mishap, Rex tries to make an escape to another country for a fresh start only for things to go horribly wrong.

We can all be heroes, at least that is what we like to think.

 We see an incident on the news regarding a robbery or hijacking and will find ourselves gloating to others or to yourself that if we were in that situation, we would have totally overpowered the enemy. We have seen enough action movies for experience after all.

 And then we envision ourselves being revered, getting awarded for our bravery, being felicitated everywhere we went. Still sounds good, doesn't it?

 But that is what fantasy is, unrealistic.

 Bloody Hell shows how one act of bravery on your part can go completely wrong.


 The start of the movie shows a woman running through the woods with a child. The people behind her know her and call out her name, Alia. She jumps into the river but is captured.

 The next scene introduces us to Rex standing in a line at the bank, eager to speak to Maddy, his crush.

 He barely makes it to the line, when robbers get in and hold everyone at gunpoint.

 Rex signals Maddy to hide while he himself lowers to the ground. He sees a woman lying next to him, her purse open, her gun visible. Rex signals her to use the gun on the robbers but of course, she isn't going to put her life at risk. She zips up her purse and hands it to the robbers.

Some confusion occurs and the handbag goes flying out of the robber's hand and straight into Rex's lap. This is his chance to be a hero and save everyone. His biggest supporter, his own conscience, eggs him on.

The subsequent scenes are interspersed with scenes at the court where Rex is found guilty of being reckless and being a mindless murderer. But he was only saving the hostages and taking down the robbers, was he not? Except his one mistake causes a tragedy which we find out later.

 Nope, it's not Maddy. She comes to see him in prison when Rex is found guilty and sentenced for a couple of years. She comes over only to break up with him.

 Throughout his prison time, all Rex truly has is his own conscience that has a wry sense of humour.

 When Rex gets out he is the subject of media frenzy. His name and photo are plastered on every magazine. He has to make do with his sudden game by keeping his temper in check even though he would like nothing more than to tip the table and throw it at the paparazzi. He does do that but refrained by his conscience.

 Later Rex meets up with his friend and reveals his plans to go to Finland. Why? Because he wanted to get away from all the commotion following the bank incident and wanted to take a break. How did he come to that decision? His spitball landed on Finland the map thrice. Rex takes it as a sign to start his life anew there.

 At the airport, Rex is met with stares from the other passengers. He overhears a couple talking in their native language while smiling at him. A stranger comes over and warns Rex that the couple are talking about him and he needs to be careful.

 Rex has just spent time in prison so he doesn't take the warning seriously. That is why he's ill-prepared for when he is gassed in the taxi.

When he awakens, he finds himself tied from the ceiling. He checks his limbs and finds one leg missing. He is about to scream when a hand clamps over his mouth. It is his conscience, warning him to be careful. He is made to retrace his steps, understand his environment.

 Upstairs, a little boy has awoken in the middle of the night and is curious about the sounds emitting from the basement. He creeps downstairs and Rex shuts his mouth and eyes immediately.

 As the boy gets closer, Rex immediately moves into action after he realizes the kid isn't going to cut him loose. He kicks the boy's face and then waits as he hears more footsteps heading towards him.

 It is Alia, the girl from the first scene who covers her eyes with a hand as she descends the stairs, searching for her brother. When she notices her little brother's head between Rex's knees, she panics.

 Rex isn't good at being without a leg yet so he drops the boy while negotiating with Alia. She sees her opportunity and gets her little brother out of there. Rex's conscience gives him a hard time about being an idiot who dropped his only means of escape, his leverage.

 Alia gets her little brother on the bed but the family notices and creates a loud fuss, insulting Alia in the process who then lies that her brother fell off the bed which is why he has a bloody nose. The family rushes him to the hospital while Alia lays on her bed and dreams about Rex being the prince who was going to take her away from the family who tortures innocent men as well as her.

 She goes downstairs again as Rex comes up with weird excuses to be let go. She barely listens to him as she cleans up his wound and dresses it. Rex realizes she is into him and they proceed to exchange stories.

 What really happened at the bank was that Rex had gone on a killing spree, prompted by his alter ego and in the process of killing an attacker, killed an innocent bank employee who was hiding in the closet.

 Alia tells him about how they were a happy family until her brother Patti was born who had a ravenous appetite for human flesh. When the parents realized he was a cannibal, they enabled his desires rather than put an end to it. Many of Alia's dates ended up on a platter which caused her to argue with them which in turn led to her being kept in a cage and made to watch her brother feed on human flesh while her parents cheered him on.

Rex is shocked to discover he was kidnapped so that he could be eaten. He tells her to help him escape again but Alia gets cold feet.

 At the hospital, the doctor confirms that the little boy definitely didn't suffer a broken nose because of a fall from the bed, rather he had been deliberately punched.

BLOODY HELL Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

 The family is ired and head back home. They arrive and put Alia in a cage after they discover a bandage on Rex's leg. The Uncle decides to chop Rex up some more and inject him. Rex dreams about the bank robbery incident and when he awakens, it is to find his other leg being sawed.

 Fortunately, Alia had given him a knife that he hid throughout the dream sequence and now manages to cut himself loose. He jams the knife into the Uncle's head and makes an escape as the rest of the family is away.

 Rex's conscience reminds him that he needs to save Alia as well but Rex argues that he isn't in love with her and doesn't want to get into a relationship. He opens the door and leaves.

 When the Uncle's body is found, the family is alerted of Rex's disappearance and are anxious about him turning up with the authorities even though the father thinks Rex couldn't have gotten far on one leg and probably drowned in the river.

 They are all seated at the table and somehow Alia doesn't spot a certain someone hiding underneath with a nail gun in hand. The father and twin brothers are immediately dealt with the nail gun and a throw knife. The mother is a tough one but Alia manages to tie the backpack cord around her neck and helps Rex kill her.

 Rex believes he is safe until he hears grunting and thumping on the stairs. It is Patti, the ogre who is very hungry. Rex's flare gun does nothing to subdue him and he is easily overpowered. But that is when Rex is reconciled with his beloved leg that is still in the fridge. He imagines romancing it before jamming it, bone and all, into Patti's mouth.

 They are safe for now. Rex and Alia drive to the hospital to retrieve her little brother while Rex's conscience bids him adieu, realizing he's found Alia and doesn't need to look after him anymore.

 Late, Rex is seated with his friends and Alia is obviously jealous of his women friends and has violent thoughts about a woman who dared touch Rex's hand.

 Did Rex manage to attach the leg again? No idea, as he is seated.

 On the other side, Alia's little brother is keen to maintain the family tradition and talks about American banquets.

 Bloody Hell is a Bloody Good movie with just the right kind of humour and drama to keep it entertaining.

It is the best example of how comedy horror movies should be.

 Scare scale: 4/5


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