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Horror Weekly News: Black Mirror Returns. New Horror Movie Trailer for Trip Released.


Netflix is bringing back the horror/sci-fi anthology series BLACK MIRROR for Season 6. The critically acclaimed show is known for its unique blend of storytelling and social commentary, and casting well-known actors. 

Season 5 was thought to be the last season for this show as it ended in June 2019. Since there was no news regarding the show's renewal or continuance, the show was thought to have ended. 

It comes as a surprise then that Netflix chose to bring back this show. This could possibly be because of the show's popularity and that Netflix is now struggling to keep its subscribers due to the competition with other streaming services, increased prices, and the whole password-sharing fiasco. 

It is yet to be announced when the show will be back and who will be joining the star cast. The series will be produced by Broke and Bones, rather than House of Tomorrow, though the latter still retains ownership of the program.

In other news…

The trailer for TRIP has dropped. This horror movie is about a mother grieving her daughter’s suicide. When a psychologist comes into her life and offers her a hallucinogenic drug, the mother begins to see the same things she thinks her daughter saw. 

She then learns there are beings out there who like to steal people’s eyes so that they can look into their souls. The mother is haunted by visions and people trying to get to her because these beings are practically shapeshifters. 

In the last scene of the trailer, the mother is seen holding a pair of scissors and screaming at nobody that if they want her eyes they have to get them themselves. 

Unfortunately, the scene seems almost comical. Not the reaction the filmmakers would have wanted. 

Considering the movie is called TRIP, could it be that everything the mother sees and experiences is just a side effect of the drug? 

We will have to watch the movie and see. 

Until then, here is the trailer: 

Update: The movie can be watched on Terror Film's Youtube Channel here


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