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The Wolf of Snow Hollow-- My take on the movie with Spoilers!

 Plot: John Marshall has never believed in werewolves until unexplained murders in his hometown causes him to reconsider his beliefs.

We've read stories on werewolves, watched movies with werewolves in them and learned about the legend.

But should we hear about a crime taken place where the suspect is thought to be a werewolf, would you believe it?

Quite possibly not.

It's one thing to be fascinated by the legend, and another thing to actually believe that on a full moon night, werewolves come out.

So when we watch a character exhibit those ideals on screen, he becomes instantly relatable. But we are also watching a movie, and it is fiction. And a mystery. Anything can happen in a movie, right?

The Wolf of Snow Hollow has an awesome twist. It challenges our beliefs and keeps us guessing who the killer is. All is revealed in the climax and it is shocking. Who would have thought that the killer is the one everyone least suspected.

Every clue points to an attack by a wolf. But which wolf is strong enough to do that to a person? Does that mean that there is indeed a werewolf?

The answer will surprise you.


PJ and Brianne are holidaying at Snow Hollow. They are at a diner when they overhear two guests making a ruckus. PJ just has to say something about that. Brianne is simply embarrassed.

One of them uses a slur and PJ loses his cool. The friend mediates and they go off on their way. PJ remarks that thankfully his brother wasn’t here or else he would have been offended by the remarks.

But when PJ and Brianne leave, they find the two men outside who end up apologizing to them.

Now the last time we saw a movie where visitors argued with the locals, it didn’t exactly end well for the visitors.

PJ and Brianne go home and relax in a hot tub. While PJ goes in to take a shower, Brianne sees something that stops her in her tracks.

PJ finally goes out and is horrified to see Brianne on the ground, mauled. Right beside her is a large footprint of an animal.

We meet John Marshall, deputy sheriff, and an alcoholic. He is called to the murder scene and we find out his father is the Sheriff. His fellow officer Julia is also on scene.

Brianne is missing some body parts and the Sheriff is worried. John is slightly concerned that his father doesn’t look too well. John takes one look at a crime scene and decides to catch the man behind it.

Another officer yells out that some fur and bite marks have been found, therefore this being a possibility of an animal attack. John is pissed, and later at the station, despite receiving an apology and a gift, he fires the officer.

Everyone is going on about this being an animal attack but John is certain that a man is behind it. He definitely doesn't want to perpetuate the superstition that there is a werewolf in Snow Hollow.

The list of victims grows with a likable snowboarder being ripped apart. The poor woman was just trying to be liked and when she realized  no one would like her the way her ex-boyfriend does, even though he has clearly done something offensive, she wants to return to him.

The other victim is a mother and daughter who were travelling at night. They are shown earlier at a diner, meeting a tall man whom she finds weird.

The investigation does not make that much headway and John starts to get frustrated. Pressure mounts on him, especially after his father suffers a heart attack.

Worse, his daughter Jenna is out with her boyfriend when they are attacked by the wolf. Lucky for them, the neighbor manages to warn them as well as call the police.

John arrives and manages to drive away the wolf but he gets into an argument with Jenna who thinks her father doesn’t care about her especially after she was attacked by the wolf.

John loses it and goes to Jenna's boyfriend's house to beat him up and ends up being taken down by his mother.

When he goes to the hospital to visit his daughter and father, he learns people have been looking for him to inform him that his father has passed away.

John is now grief-stricken and acts out. He takes to drinking and is ousted from his support group. Jenna is devastated to see her father like this and gives him a talk to.

John manages to pull himself together enough to connect the dots of the case.


After receiving information from PJ that he received a seam ripper in his evidence bag that doesn’t belong to him  John suspects the taxidermist in town.

He visits the taxidermist and suspects him after he makes an odd comment.

He returns and asks the taxidermist to stand to his full height.

He then slams the door on John's face. John manages to get inside the house and finds wolf skin and realizes that the taxidermist has been dressing up as a wolf to attack people.

He follows the taxidermist into the woods and ends up being stabbed in the stomach.

Just then Julia arrives and shoots the criminal. John gets to his feet and shoots the taxidermist right in his face. Several times.

John then collapses. Is he dead? Is that the end of John?

The next scene shows Jenna moving into her college dorm. Julia is helping and we learn that she is now sheriff. Her cap says that.

As she heads to the door, John is standing right there, looking sheepish.

He's alive after all.

He makes a sort of apology and then tells Jenna he has left something for her in her drawer. Jenna is disgusted because she cam guess what it is. Condoms.

As John walks out, he overhears some guys talking about new gymnastics moving in. John stops and lets it go. He knows Jenna will be able to handle herself.

The movie ends.

The Wolf of Snow Hollow has an interesting take on werewolf lore and the humor is subtle and effective.

Scare Scale: 3.5/5


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