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American Carnage-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

 PLOT SUMMARY: A group of undocumented immigrants are given an opportunity to have their charges dropped if they volunteer at a facility for the elderly. But nothing is what it seems.

Have you wondered what goes in the food you eat. Yes, even those products that are marked as health foods. Are they really healthy?

No, it's not about the Trans fats or the chemicals and preservatives and additives. What if you find out that the food you are consuming is not what it is supposed to be.

And that it is in fact something else entirely and that people who regulate the food industry know about it and still let it pass on to the unsuspecting public?

American Carnage may be advertised as a comedy horror but it falters in both genres. However, the little twist, predictable as it may be, helps the movie stay on its feet.


JP works at Lady Liberty Burger and feels like he has hit a dead end at his job.

One night, his sister Lily and her friends enter the drive thru lane. A friend lets it slip that she has been accepted at a good college. JP is shown to feel a flash of surprise and jealousy. But he hides it well and promises to be present at her party.

At the party, everyone is happy with Lily's accomplishments and she is in the process of giving a speech when all hell breaks loose.

Their home is broken into by law officers who quickly apprehend Lily and JP.

JP wakes up to find himself in a cage with other people. He soon finds out that all the people who were thought to be undocumented were captured.

JP tries to look for his sister and finds her getting on a bus. He calls out to her but she doesn't listen or pretends not to.

Later on, JP is called to a lawyer's office who is handling the case of all immigrants. She tells him that there is a way to get the case against him dismissed if he volunteers to help the elderly at a facility. Of course he agrees.

JP becomes fast friends with people who have volunteered for the program to: Camila, Chris, Big Mac and Micah.

Of course our hero is going to need friends considering what he is going to face next. The characters are stereotypical and hardly bring anything new to the story.

They all quickly adapt to their new roles as caretakers, as if they were always preparing for it.

JP finds a woman in a wheelchair who seems completely out of it but surprisingly has a same tattoo his sister had.

But her sister isn't that old, so why does he feel a connection to her?

He tries talking to her and she screams. This brings the other staff who quickly inject her.

More unusual things keep happening and JP is curious about them but he gets suspicious of the facility and its staff only after his friend Chris goes missing.

It is then that JP stumbles upon the facility's kind of gross secret.


JP is held captive and there he learns  terrible truth. Micah has been working with the founder of the facility to waylay the newbies.

JP is told that the immigrants are tricked into volunteering at the facility with the lawyer's help, yes, she's in it too.

The young immigrants are injected with drugs that turns them older. They are then given further hormone injections so that their "meat" becomes tender.

Yes, the secret ingredient in Liberty Bell Burgers is none other than...human meat. Injected with hormones of course. JP gets the tender meat treatment and soon starts to show effects.

His other friends try to save him and Camila is captured and injected too. Camila and JP both turn half old.

Eventually Big Mac becomes wise to what is going on at the facility and helps Camila and JP escape.

Of course there is a showdown with the founder who isn't worried about his secret getting out because the prejudiced governor is backing him up.

A tussle ensues, Chris, who is able to contort his body because although the hormonal injections cause people to age and turn tender, their body tries to fight it in weird ways by making the person almost boneless and behave like someone possessed and do the spider walk.

The founder is distracted and ends up in the meat grinder.

We see freshly ground meat come out and in the next conveyor belt, the burger patties.

Camila and JP escape with Lily and they all reach a bench to watch the sunset. They close their eyes, ready to succumb to the inevitable.

Big Mac comes and is devastated at the loss of the friends he had only made a week ago. He cries desperately.

The trio awake. It was a joke. So funny. Except what are the chances it could be a possibility?

The movie ends and gives an explanation about scientists working day and night to find a cure. The governor has run away. Liberty Bell Burger has been exposed and shut down.

The people who have been consuming that meat...are they okay?

We never get to see if the consumers turn crazy after eating human meat. We also don't know for sure if Camila and JP get back to their normal selves.

The movie ends.

American Carnage has an interesting twist but the screenplay is dull and a good idea is left raw because of it.

There are no edge-of-the-seat thrills, no suspense and the comedy is barely there.

But okay, it is a one-time watch if you want to pass a dreary day.

Scare Scale: 


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