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Horror Book of the Week: Daughter's Drawings by Nick Botic


This week’s Horror Book Recommendation is Daughter’s Drawings by Nick Botic. Published in July 2023, this suspenseful book is in the bestsellers list for Kidnapping Thrillers. 

This book has received positive reviews from other authors as well as customers. Considering this is the author’s debut novel, he has been highly praised for his seamless prose yet his affinity to write a sinister tale that will leave you gripped with fear. 

Customers were equally thrilled by this novel and found it hard to put down. Those with kids especially, were creeped out by the premise of a kid having a stalker. Although some weren’t too thrilled with the stalker’s reveal, others found it to be surprising and believe the book had a satisfactory ending. 

Quick Book Review of DAUGHTER’S DRAWINGS based on sample

The book begins with a tense prologue. Nick and his wife Kimmy are visiting the in-laws. When they find an intruder trespassing the property, the police are called but no one is found to be lurking by. Kimmy then reveals she had a stalker when she was in her teens. Nick makes a resolution to protect his family at all costs, a promise he is likely to keep as the story progresses. 

We then find Nick on a roadtrip with his wife and kids Alex, and Katie. There isn’t much going on except for that the family decides to stop for a meal and Katie, possessive of her collection of artwork she calls portfolio, leaves it behind. 

Based on the summary, it is safe to say that the theft takes place in the next scene. 

Nick Botic not only brings characters alive in this tale but the fear of having a stalker as well. The story may not hit you on the head with an immediate frightening sequence, but it manages to create an atmosphere of tension and curiosity. 

The characters are likable and the writing flows smoothly. You will want to continue reading this creepy novel with a creepy cover for sure.  

Daughter’s Drawings Plot (Taken from Amazon)

“I think someone broke into your car.”

It was during a pit stop at a rural diner that we heard these words, and began the years-long terror that would change our lives forever. Someone had indeed broken into our car, but they had ignored the laptops and tablets and luggage.

All they took was our daughter’s most prized possession: a folder full of her artwork.

We didn’t know what to think when Katie’s works started coming back to us, one slightly-amended piece of art at a time. But when this connoisseur of our six-year-old daughter’s creations began bringing the subjects of our her drawings to life in twisted, disturbing ways, we knew that we were dealing with a danger worse than any of us could have ever imagined.

Based on the viral short story of the same name, Daughter’s Drawings is the “surreal, methodical, and tormenting” (Felix Blackwell, Stolen Tongues) tale of a strange stalker’s obsession and the horror of stolen innocence, a relentless onslaught of anxiety that dissects every parent’s worst nightmare and confronts readers with the question, “How far would you go to protect the people you love?”

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