Philosophy for Today

Plato believed that our souls consist of three parts and only when they are in perfect harmony can we be good and just.

The Three parts are: The Appetite, The Spirited and The Reason.

The Appetite part of our souls rule our desires. It is the part that makes us desire comfort and satisfaction.
The Spirited Part of us help us act and overcome obstacles. It is also the part that makes us love challenges and therefore makes us more competitive.
The Reason is according to Plato, the most important part of our soul. It is this part that helps us analyze, weigh options and then decided what is better for us overall.

According to Plato, each of these parts play an important part and we must control them accordingly. For example, we must let our Reason decide how much is enough for us so that we do not over indulge.

And that is what I learnt today!


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