My Journey in Writing

I think it's important to learn new things everyday if one wants to become a better writer. In the beginning of the year, I promised myself that and even kept a goal that each day be a learning experience. While doing so, I forgot to blog about it, but didn't stop from learning new things.
Yes, there were days, when I didn't necessarily get up and reach for a book or surf the net to learn new things as arduously as I probably should have, but I still managed to learn a few things, even if it meant going through different experiences. I met some new people from different age groups and different cultural backgrounds and learned about how different lives can be. Hopefully, this will give me some insight into building characters for my future books.
Every day is a learning experience, whether it was done voluntarily or not. Today I learned that I didn't have that much of an ego when it comes to improving myself or my writing. I do get defensive when someone attacks my writing for no reason and without doling out constructive criticism, but when I do receive a bit of advice to improve my art and craft. Yes, Writing can be both.
I did receive a few reviews about a few grammatical mistakes that I tend to make, but didn't think of an improving on it. I thought writing continuously would eventually better it all on its own. However, today I received another comment on a grammatical error and I suddenly woke up.
I should have taken care of this a long time ago and perfected my grammar since I have my heart set on being a Writer. But I didn't. Big Mistake.

So today I learned that I can take a bit of criticism and then do something about it. I'm off to study grammar once again and then make the necessary changes to my manuscript and send it again.  


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