Need Directions to my Future

My hopes, my dreams and my feelings are all mine. But my troubles are not only mine.It was easy for me to feel like I was the only one going though a bad phase and that no one could ever understand what I'm going through. I still feel like no one can understand me without actually being in my shoes, but for me to feel that I was the only one going through problems and obstacles was wrong.Interacting with people recently has made me realize that I was in the same boat as them. I would like to wallow in despair and claim that my boat has a huge hole in it and slowly sinking, but there are people like me out there going through something familiar.In a way it makes me feel better that I'm not alone in this  but I also get slightly envious if their problems are resolved before mine are.I would like nothing better than to have everything straighten out and even get noticed for my writing. Or at least my efforts.I have a long way to go- I know that- but I can't wait for the day when my stories will be enjoyed and remembered without me resorting to desperation and stooping to create fake controversies like some people do.
At the moment I may not know where I'm headed, but I know for sure that there is a path with my name written on it. 
My hopes and my dreams are just waiting to be awakened.


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