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The Ever Annoying Change

They say the only thing constant is change and that we must accept and adapt to it over and over again. And I say- I HATE CHANGE!
What we are forced to believe is that change is better; it's progress and will always take us forward. Nope! 
Change is also what takes us back a few steps and frustrates us. 
Before it used to be about art, beauty and the try things in life, but change ruined it all. Now it's all about making money quickly even if it means sacrificing something in return- like integrity, efficiency and passion. 
Not that I have anything against money- I could use a LOT of it, but giving in to change, is it really worth it? 
Before video games used to be about stomping over evil turtles and getting to the villain and saving the day and the princess. Then these games became better- just one time when change actually worked. 
The graphics got better, there was music in the background and a better storyline. That's when I thought that yes, change is progress. 
But that was when video games creator decided that instead of focusing on a general audience, let's focus on the demographics that actually play our games. And that obviously meant that games began to be created keeping the male audience in mind. 
Hey, some guys like to blow up stuff and use guns on computer generated people. Great, lets put that in. 
Not that girls don't like that stuff, but where the hell is the freaking story, the background music that made games magical and transported us to a magical world. 
In this sense, change sucked. 
More and more games are created that don't keep the female audience in mind. I wonder if they too feel that girls shouldn't be playing games and should be doing "girly" stuff. 
In technology too, change sucks. Where should I begin? 
Gmail is a great email service. But the email app is sucky. It takes forever to refresh the page, it doesn't show new mail until its refreshed at least 3 times, the notifications never show up and forget about sending email from that app. It'll keep saving in drafts and send to the recipient over and over again. Hate it!
Then there's the phone software. Over here change reminds us that what you have now will become obsolete very soon. Since I have an old phone, I don't get the new iOS 7 update and therefore no new apps. Thanks a lot....not! The only thing a person can do is keep changing the phone over and over so that it can catch up with the software updates- meaning we must now down to change constantly. 
Oh and let's not forget the damned autocorrect feature. Is this really a good feature? Sometimes it's convenient, sometimes such a pain. 
I'm writing this on my phone, trying to adapt to the thankless change and hoping autocorrect didn't mess up too much. 


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