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We are what we are- My take

Just say 'horror movie' and I'll watch anything. Okay, truth be told, just say those two words and I'll go and check out the title on Imdb and find out how much gore would be in it.
That's what horror movies are synonymous with- Gore. Lot's and lot's of blood and guts splashing about. My definition of horror does not include gore. Horror should be something that scares you and has the possibility of giving one recurring nightmares. Horror movies should be so scary that one shouldn't be at the edge of a seat but cuddled up in a corner of one and shivering under a blanket.
Popcorn should be sitting in a bowl in the side and getting cold because the very thought of putting one in your mouth should make one terrified.
Horror movies should make you want to check out your surroundings every two minutes to make sure that everything is still intact and that the furniture hasn't moved while you were distracted or that creak you heard wasn't from someone entering your safe zone.
Gory movies do not make you do all this. They make you want to throw up the popcorn you have in your mouth and then reach for the remote and turn the disgusting thing off. Many movies have suffered such a fate in my hands. I cannot stomach full on gory movies.

We are what we are seemed to have an intriguing trailer that doesn't reveal anything. However once the movie is on, the audience can venture a guess and be right. There are plenty of hints where the movie is headed provided no one has seen the original Spanish version.
To put it straight, this movie is about cannibalism. After the mother dies, the responsibility of the ritual falls on the dutiful Iris and the conscience stricken Rose. Both girls are scared of disobeying their father and therefore give in to the ritual of cutting up a woman and then serving her up in stewed remains. Disgusting, yes!

The one thing that i must appreciate about this movie is that it did not dwell on gore despite its concept. There are no guts and blood spilling out and the girls are only shown taking a shower with blood smeared on their body. The rest is left to your very active and vivid imagination.

Toward the end, the father finds out that his terrible and disgusting secret is going to be revealed by the torrential rains and so finds the only way out- poisoning his whole family.
Rose however, finds out and to put an end to all this, attacks her father and in the most vomit-inducing scene, starts feeding on him.

I did reach for the remote then and stopped only because of meager curiosity. The film had reached its climax but I had to know if the girls would escape and continue with this harrowing tradition. Yes, they do!

We are what we are- the girls I believe have accepted this and their taste for human flesh. Throughout the movie they try to fight this and often ask themselves: What if we were normal? That choice had been diminished when they had first tasted human flesh only because they had nothing to eat.
It was a logical conclusion that they can't change themselves, although it brought on a mixture of pity, sadness and disgust.
Pity the girls couldn't change what they had become. Sad that these girls and their little brother will always be haunted by who they were and disgust because ugh/'s cannibalism.

The movie all in all is not for the faint of heart or stomach. 


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