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Road less traveled

It's not easy to follow a path that has been condemned by those close to you. As your journey leads your further, you encounter a dilemma when the road splits into many directions. Going back is the safest option, but taking a step forward is an act of courage that is deemed foolish by those who have shied away from taking chances- or those who are just cynical. Finding your way is the hardest part in the intricate pattern of life because we must not only deal with our own inner conflicts, aka the voices of reason in our head, but also deal with people who would do anything to hold us back. Some don't want you to get hurt and others just don't want you to taste success. In the end , it is the choices we make but that fork in the road doesn't help us make a quick decision. There are just too many possibilities; things cannot just go simply right or wrong- they could even work out in the initial stages and then end in disastrous results. Or things could fail immediately and devastatingly and it could require a great deal of patience and time for success to finally emerge out of troubled waters. And that success too could be moderate and underwhelming. The safest choice is always the coward's choice and that is to do absolutely nothing. It is better not to take a chance and risk everything and instead live in a nest of unrealized dreams. Except of course, dreams are born to be realized and they are meant to be fought for. Years from now, those suppressed dreams will flutter its wings and evoke deep pangs of guilt for not letting it fly. The chance to walk on roads that lead to dreams and destiny will not always be walkable or open. Then even when it's the scariest thing to do, taking trg road less traveled by others will become the road that awakens and gives wings to your dreams. The only thing left to do is to pluck up the courage and walk those roads now.


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