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The Dorm- My take on the movie

PLOT SUMMARY: Shy and awkward Vivian enters college hoping to make a fresh start following a suicide attempt. She befriends a group of girls who seem to have an agenda of their own. 

What would you give to become anyone else but you? 

The Dorm addresses this serious issue faced by girls who suffer from inferiority complexes. The movie answers this question in one way and then doesn't towards the end when the story finally unravels. 

THE DORM Movie Plot 

The story begins with socially inept Vivian, starting college and hoping for a fresh start after attempting suicide. 

Her wish is granted and she is quickly inducted into a close-knit group of friends. As in all horror movies, she is warned by a classmate to steer away from her newfound friends.
Does our protagonist heed the warning?

Of course not; it's a horror movie and she is bound to be led astray by a wolf in sheep clothing before she unmasks them.

Vivian quickly dismisses the girl who, poor thing, ends up dead soon after. Our protagonist continues to live in delusion and even goes on a special diet of red tea prescribed by her friends.
It isn't until the next morning when she peels away her flawed skin and reveals a blemish-free one that we as the audience are suddenly piqued. Something wicked is afoot, clearly.

THE DORM Ending Explained with spoilers! 

Vivian starts hearing voices, her boyfriend seems obsessed with the girl who was living in her dorm room and her body makes a remarkable and strange transformation.
It is when another classmate calls her Violet- the name of the former dorm room resident- that Vivian gains suspicions about what is really going on. 

Turns out, she's being fed Violet's blood this whole time, in her tea no less. This is why she's pretty much turned into Violet. 

Towards the end, she is faced with a tough choice and it is heartbreaking to see the one she makes.

The film's story brings to light a very important issue- and that is how we see ourselves. Is it always about what we think about our appearance or how society perceives us?

There have been many posts and advice given by celebrities and our idols on how we must learn to appreciate the way we are and then body we have, but when it comes down to making a choice and being granted a wish to be whomever we could be but us, would we really choose the real us?
If we could be any celebrity, have their body and features, would we be ready to forgo ourselves?
We keep telling ourselves that we are happy with who we are, but we can only know that for sure when we are given a choice and choose ourselves overall superficiality.

Scare Scale: 2/5



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