Goals...what are they?

Okay so after promising myself to keep my writing and walking goals everyday, I feel like I may have to rethink my goals.

The walking goal was created to maintain my fitness and even though I was tired or (slightly) sick, I managed to accomplish my 10,000 steps. Walking helped me clear my mind and focus on my writing, so I made sure I kept at it.

Now for the writing goal- that has been a little difficult to achieve. Yes, many authors advise writing at least 500 words everyday, but that can be a little challenging. I'm currently working on the climax of a novel that is perhaps going to be part of a series (haven't decided that yet) and I've planned a major cliffhanger. The problem is getting to that part and writing up believable dialogues that would lead to that event.

So today, while I tried to reach my goals, I decided that it I'll have to give myself a day off every now and then. It doesn't help that I'm sick today and had to drag my feet to accomplish my walking goal. Being sick also isn't helping with overcoming the block in the story.

Tomorrow is another day though, and tomorrow I'll keep my goals! 


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