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Happy Women's Day!

If asked, what it is like to be a woman, the answer would be perplexing to answer. Men and women are both humans, both capable of emotions and both definable by their actions- yet there has always been an invisible divide that somehow makes women seem like a different species. 

The truth is that a woman is many things with many layers. She can be sweet, caring, strong and even capable of doing whatever it takes to get what she wants. That is one version of a woman...the other is how women are deemed in society. 

Despite the age and progress made in science, technology, etc. The one thing that remains constant is that women are supposed to behave in a certain manner. She can have a job or career, but at the end of the day, she should be able to cook a meal, keep the house clean and yes, make whatever sacrifices she can. 

She is expected to give away the last morsel of food even if she is hungry to someone who is still peckish, she has to share the last bit of her possessions with just about anybody because things are not hers to begin with and let's not forget that she must never speak back even when she's insulted...because she's a woman. 

That's the other most disturbing version of being a woman- to be voiceless and endure all hardships yet keep a bright, happy veneer in front of the world. She has to overcome difficulties all on her own and at the same time keep her family happy. She must build a career but never forget her duties as a daughter, mother or wife. And if she desires something, she must put them aside until someone shines a light on her and recognises that she too may need something- at least attention if not credit for her sacrifices. 

So to say that women are equal to men would be erroneous. To say that they don't deserve a day when men's day isn't celebrated with fanfare would be wrong as well. Women need all the respect and tribute for the things they do. It isn't easy giving up the last bits of what you have to someone who has it all, but only a woman would do that. 

She makes the sacrifices so that others may not have to and it is for this alone that she must be lauded. 

There are many women who have braved the fight against the world and their biased norms and they deserve to be saluted. And if it takes one day to recognise their efforts, then that day too shouldn't be wasted. 

Happy Women's Day! 


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