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Meet the Author -- K.A. Meng

K. A. Meng lives in North Dakota, in the same town she grew up. Her love for the paranormal started at a young age when she saw her first ghost.
Today, she spends her time writing paranormal romance, fantasy, sci fi, horror and everything in between. When life drags her away from it, she hangs out with her son and friends, goes to movies, watches TV, plays board games, walks her dogs, and reads books. She is actively involved in a writing group and wishes to some day visit Disney World.

1. When did you realize you wanted to become a writer?

I think I’ve always known, but I never pursued it until I was in my 20s. I always had stories inside my head that wanted to come out. I just never put them down on paper or on a computer. The big motivator for me was going to a creative writing class at my college and then joining a local writer’s group.

2. How many hours in a day do you dedicate to your writing?

Every second of the day that I can. I work a normal 8 to 5 job. So on lunch, I’m usually doing something writing related wither it’s editing or actually writing. I get home relax for a bit, make supper, write, clean, write, etc.

3. Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? If so, how did you overcome it?

Yes, I have had writer’s block. I haven’t gotten it much lately. I do one of three things. I either push right through it, I skip that scene and come back, or I work on something else. These three things always fix writer’s block for me.

4. How many books have you written so far?

Full length novels I have six completed. Two are currently out. I have eight short stories completed, and only seven are out. This doesn’t count the numerous series that are inside my head.

5. What has been the biggest accomplishment, you feel, has been in your writing career so far?

Getting published with Solstice Publishing. They are a great group to work with. It’s hard to break into the writing world with a publisher. I was so thrilled to join them.

6. What is your latest book about?

My latest book is called The Wayward Station. It follows Kayla Stark as she is whisked away by a tornado into the realm between life and death. To return home, she must save the place from destruction.

7. What inspired you to write it and what are the challenges you faced while working on it?

This was a writing challenge for my writer’s group. I enjoyed it so much I had to finish it. The Wayward Station is set up a little crazy. A certain location can become whatever has been there. The research of finding out what places had been there in my hometown was a little hard. The couple blocks I picked happened to go through a bunch of different ownership in my lifetime and before that. I ended up talking to people and doing research in the local library. Don’t worry one business has now become a Starbucks so it isn’t going away for a while.

8. Do you read different genre books from the one you write in? And do you prefer reading paperbacks or ebooks?

Oh yes, I do read different genres. I write in mostly paranormal and mystery. I have ventured off into horror and sci fi. I read romance, erotic, dystopian, and anything that sounds like a good story to me.

I prefer paperbacks, but with this digital world, they are not easy to have on hand. I have almost 1,000 ebooks on my eReader, while my two shelves and five paper boxes only had a few hundred paperbacks.

9. If you could turn one of your books into a movie or a play, which one would it be?

I would love to see A Town of Murderers series into a movie or a TV show. I wouldn’t mind it as a play. Revenge and a secret society. How awesome would that be to watch?

10. Are you working on anything new?

New, new? Not yet. I am working on the third book in A Town of Murderers series. I also need to finish some other writing projects and start on Book 5 for Superior Species. I hope this year to write a standalone.

11. What are your thoughts on the horror genre? Do you enjoy watching horror movies and reading horror books?

I love horror. I watch and read horror. Whenever a new horror movie comes out, I must see if it holds up to my level of horror before I’ll go to it. I enjoy scary, terrifying, and creepy. I grew up watching scary movies and reading scary books.
My parents told my siblings and me to not watch certain horror movies and we didn’t listen. This was a different time. I was the kid that was like creepy Chuckie doll and the kid who is terrified of Chuckie let’s see what happens when they meet.

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