Look Away— my take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: A bullied girl switches places with her reflection. She soon regrets her decision as people start dying. 

What matters most? Looks or confidence?

When we see someone for the first time, we do notice their looks, the way they dress. Personality and their ability to initiate and hold a conversation comes second, doesn't it?

Imagine meeting someone who is good looking but is dull to the core. Now imagine someone with average looks but is someone you can have fun with or have an intellectual conversation.

Which seems more attractive?

Look Away takes a very bold stand where appearances are concerned. But also about self-confidence.

In the end, the only argument it makes is that one cannot possess both attributes.

LOOK AWAY Movie Plot 

We are introduced to a timid girl, Maria whose father is a plastic surgeon. Her mother is shown to have no say of her own.
She is left to watch her husband ridicule his daughter about not being careful with her looks.

Maria has a friend Lily who hardly seems concerned about her. She's more interested in publicly making out with her boyfriend Sean who Maria secretly has a crush on.

Then there's the bully who keeps picking on Maria to the point that he publicly drags her around while the others, including Lily, do nothing.

Sick of being made to feel worthless by the people around her, one night, she finds her reflection behaving differently.
Just for a second, you wonder if perhaps Maria has lost her mind. But then you see the reflection behaving a little off even when Maria isn't watching and know something weird is going to happen.

And it does.

The reflection is Maria's twin who we are made to assume died during birth.
She's her sister's caretaker and immediately offers to switch places with her so she can solve Maria's problems. Hesitant at first, Maria eventually gives in after being ridiculed at prom.

Maria's sister now takes charge of her and intimidates everyone. Literally, everyone is scared of her the minute she walks into school with eyeliner. One by one, those who picked on Maria are made to pay... With their life.

On the other side, Maria begins to regret her decision but with such a strong inferiority complex, does nothing but watch her life being torn apart.

First, it is her best friend Lily, then her crush Sean, and eventually it is her father.

Look Away Ending Explained

Apparently, Maria's twin had hidden a secret from her. She had been born deformed and her father had let her die because in his words: what is the point?

The wife screams "the point of what?"

But the answer is something we must guess after watching the father's cringe-worthy character.
He is so obsessed with looks that he rather his daughter die than grow up. He is a cosmetic surgeon; appearances are everything to him.

While you feel sorry for the other victims, you feel conflicted after the father is killed with a scalpel.

Maria's twin seeks her out in the mirror for approval. But Maria has gone, perhaps ashamed of her decision to seek revenge.

The twin is shown to get into bed with her mother and in between flashes, we see both sisters hugging her.

Look Away: thoughts about the movie

The ending is left to our own deductions. Maybe the twin reforms now that she too feels guilt after the countless murders. She did want to help her sister but realized she just ended up ruining her life.

What happened to Maria? Does she come out of the mirror? What happens on the other side?

No one knows and we are left unsatisfied.

Look Away is an engaging tale and will have you argue with your own morality. Was the twin right in seeking vengeance? Was there another way to protect her sister?

These are questions that are left for us to answer.

Scare scale: 3/5


  1. Terrible movie with unbelievable situations. even worse the ending makes no sense.

  2. What happened to her bully after she whacked him in the shower? They should have showed us.

    1. More than likely she killed him or she scared him off. You don't see him in the movie after she whacked him.

  3. it was good but othing had any context and make no sense

  4. She never went into the mirror. When she found that sonogram of her and her twin, it subconsciously gave birth to the idea of a mirrored reflection of her that's more assertive and confident that she is. A whole different personality. When Airam/Maria killed her crush and couldn't find Maria anymore in the mirror, she realised that she and Maria was both the same. Maria was kinda strange at the beginning of the movie anyway... Kinda remind me of that Robert Deniro movie where he had a split personality.

    1. Well one thing I know for sure is that the mirror image or "MARIA" read from that side would be "AIRAM" be it that she has split personalities, or it is her twin sister is something that drives us crazy about never being told to us. Horrible cliff hanger. There really should have been a part 2. I think that AIRAM definitely developed a conscious after killing the boy she loved and her father. But I think MARIA realized her life was now fucked beyond repair and now was now way worth returning to. When she inadvertently killed her best friend, she could have probably gotten away with that, but the other two, no way, murder was not justified for any of them, except maybe the father after leaving his own baby to die just for a deformity causing his wife to forever be tormented and eventually ruining their marriage then him straying with his patients. Not to mention basically every day tearing his living daughter down every day by telling her to put on make up, etc. Or for her birthday rearranging her face, that is not love. He was a terrible person, a murderer and probably would have eventually driven his daughter to suicide. She barely ate or slept, she was depressed and teased horribly at school, and talking about her basically calling her a freak when she was right in front of him. Just a bad, bad man. Now there have been movies before where the twins whom/have been killed died have come back for revenge so maybe she was the soul of her sister, but maybe she was her alter ego only realized when she found the ultrasound of her twin. Which could really only be answered by a part 2 of this film. And if there were a part 2, this film probably would have been great. It was a great movie until the ending left us with so many unanswered questions.

    2. Airam found Maria after killing the crush. Maria was sobbing in the hotel mirror, climbed onto the counter in the mirror and was banging on it. It was after she killed her abusive father that she couldn't find Maria

  5. Airam is Maria - check the spelling ..... it’s her split personality

  6. Airam is Maria - check the spelling ..... it’ll answer your questions

  7. if it were a split personality. How would the sense with the father gone down. I personally think its her sister. do i think the reversing the name was stupid 1000%.theirs a lot of little details pointing to it being her sister and than theirs alot just common sense.saying its just her being psychotic is easy and logical. But the movie description is literally saying the girl came from the mirror. Airam has knowledge that Maria doesn't about the twin being left for dead. So I think Airam is Maria's sister how a dead twin can switch bodies through a mirror is beyond me but its a movie not everything will make sense. I do think theirs a lot of phycology in this movie too though.

    1. but maria was seen to have memory loss of a sort or more like restricting some memories of hers, probably because of a mental illness. so maybe it was her who knew all these things from the beginning and not a twin sister, and that was the only way for her to remember or be in a state where she chooses to remember.

  8. Why can't some seem to grasp that Maria and Airam are a split personality? There is a scene towards the end (after the dad is murdered), in which Airam is staring into a
    Cracked mirror after realizing Maria couldn't be summoned. The only thing we see is a her split reflection in the mirror , which is a trope used to convey a fractured mind and/or a split personality. There is no mirror girl living in a mirror world.

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  16. It was split personalities. Movie wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either. I think the cops wanted to talk to Airam and the crush not just because they found out about their relationship, but because the body of the bully was found but we will never know for sure. Definitely wish there was a part 2 though. The ending was the worst part of the movie.

  17. I would like to know why no ones talking about the fact that it shows one baby punching and kicking the second baby. Meaning the living baby maria was evil and beat her sister till deformed in the womb. then is born and is the weaker meek sister...


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