Author's Note: About inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes.

Lately, I've been finding these so called "inspirational quotes" to be a tad annoying. Literally every one of them asks you to change your perspective on how you see things.

There are examples given of two men sitting in a bus. One is looking out at a view of mountains and sunrise, the other has the view of rocks. Change your perception, it says. Sure, the other guy could exchange seats and sit on the other side of the bus. But...what if the bus was full? What if the windows was blocked by tall people? What if the passengers sitting on that side preferred to draw the curtains?

The problem with asking you to change your perception is akin to blaming you for your problems. You don't have something to eat? Guess what, it is your fault. You are being bullied? Your fault. People stealing from you? Your fault again.

How No, it is not my fault some people choose to behave a certain way. It isn't my fault if I feel sad, hurt, betrayed, and angry. Once in a while, it is okay to fall down, feel heartbroken, feel like everything is shattering. It is okay to feel vulnerable and trust someone enough to be so in front of them.

Because it is only when you lose, that the ambition to win is born. A change in perception doesn't happen overnight.  You cannot tell someone to get over it. Everyone goes through something terrible once in a while, and to blame them for their plight is wrong.

Time is what heals and what trains you to accept the situation and cross over or through it.

 Not every day will be a bad one. Not every good day happens because you changed your perception. Someday good things will happen because you've learned to fall and get up. Not fall, changed your perception of falling, and transformed magically.


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