Living Space— My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Ashley and Brad, a vacationing couple, are sent to visit a castle with a dark past and violent secrets. 

Have you ever been in a situation that you later thought you could have dealt with better?
Well, sometimes things are supposed to be played out as is although we do not see it then.

In movies, though, we do get to explore several what-if situations, especially the time loops one.
There have been comedies around this concept and psychological horrors, but let's face it, not all of them get it right.

Living Space unnecessarily borrows themes from history and doesn't put it to good use.

At times the proceedings are so slow you just want to turn it off. The lead couple is introduced and they are bickering, and have zero chemistry, so you don't exactly buy their romantic scenes. There are scenes that are supposed to be heart-wrenching but fail miserably due to the fact that the couple - Ashley and Brad- are not introduced properly. Had their story and relationship been given a few moments to develop, the movie would have been more hard-hitting.


Okay, so the story goes, Ashley and Brad are holidaying in Germany and after a night partying at the hostel, take a trip to see a famous castle. Take note, that the guy seeing them off gives a sly smile. He knows something but won't tell. To be honest, if he knows what is going to happen to any visitor who wanders about in the countryside and doesn't warn them, well, he's just a jerk.

In a couple of hours, after it gets dark, they get lost and Ashley wastes no time taunting Brad for not asking anyone for directions. Map in hand, Brad ignores her but not because she's a nag, but because he's pissed off at her for throwing herself at every guy at a party last night.

They stop and while Ashley is upset Brad called her a name, a loud bang is heard. It is the scene from the beginning, a girl running to a car and slamming her hands against the back window.

In the silence of the night, Ashley doesn't hear it. Brad gets out, inspects the body laying behind the car and freaks out. The car doesn't work, they refuse to take help from a car that passes by and instead decide to approach a house.

Right before, Ashley has a vision of strange events and warns Brad not to go, but they are out of choices.
They go in, and encounter ghosts of a woman and two kids. The phone inside doesn't work and the couple is separated.

When Ashley awakens, Brad is nowhere to find. She encounters a ghost of a man in a nazi uniform and while making a run from the house, comes to a room where Brad is laying, bones broken, and limbs twisted into a nazi symbol.

He begs Ashley to kill him which she does after shedding a tear or two.

A long time is wasted in showing Ashley weeping and walking aimlessly before she is attacked by the ghost again. Guess what? The girl from the first scene, the one running and slamming herself against the car was her.

The loop begins again. Why does it happen, who knows.
The second time around Brad is killed immediately upon entering and has a large nazi symbol carved on his back.

LIVING SPACE Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

The third time around Ashley learns the nazi soldier killed his wife after suspecting her of having an affair and doubting he's the father to the kids. He kills them, then himself.

The cycle repeats and this time Ashley flags down the car that passed by them.

Again, poor Brad is murdered immediately. Poor guy is used as a dummy doll and not an actor.

Turns out the woman driving the car was a washerwoman who witnessed the nazi soldier kill his wife.

Ashley is stunned as she realizes the loop will repeat and there is no escape.

In the next scene, it is a sunny day and another couple is getting ready to visit the Castle.

The sly guy from the hostel is pleased once more. But why? Is he related to the ghosts? Does he enjoy people being killed? Tortured?

How does he know about the loop anyway?
The movie would have been better had it focused on the loops and why they were occurring rather than dragging unnecessary scenes.

Scare scale: 1.5/5

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