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Apartment 212— My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Jennifer manages to escape her abusive boyfriend but when she begins to wake up with strange bite marks, she realizes her nightmare may be far from over. 

Building a new life is such a daunting thought. After all the terrible things that happen, can we really move on believing that things will finally turn around? What if the next step you take, to take control of your life, is actually another terrible mistake waiting to ensnare your happiness. The question is, can you really escape a terrible phase that has captured your life? 

APARTMENT 212/ GNAW Movie Plot 

Jennifer thinks she's made a clean getaway from her wretched life when she moves into a new house. She makes friends with the neighbours and is looking forward to getting a job. When a neighbour dies under mysterious circumstances, her belongings are up for grabs, and Jennifer takes a decorative box with a weird creature engraved on the lid.

 Soon enough, she wakes up every morning with strange bites on her body. Of course, she's so perplexed and exhausted by this strange occurrence, that she screws up the interview and returns home, dejected.
Slowly, she realizes that the creature is coming to life. What does she do? Being through an abusive relationship has given Jennifer the strength to fend off the wickedness that has shrouded her life. But does she succeed? Unfortunately, no. She barely contains the creature, but comes up with a brilliant plan to get back at her pestering ex-husband. 

APARTMENT 212/ GNAW Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Under the pretext of moving back with him, she lets him take all her stuff in boxes and promises to return to him. The husband takes all the boxes to his house, unaware of the supernatural box in the midst. Jennifer doesn't contact him again and the husband starts waking up with strange bites on his skin. The movie is a bit slow and by the time the creature invades Jennifer's sanity and starts taking bites, it is already halfway through the movie. 

 Yes, you do feel bad for Jennifer trying to regain balance in her life, but there is more drama than horror in this story. Poor Jennifer has escaped her abusive husband, lives in a tiny apartment, and can't find a decent job. On top of it all, a creature is bothering her. In the end, yes, she gets rid of the creature and her husband. The movie lacked interesting scenes that evoke fear in the viewers. There should have been more focus on the creature and its backstory. We don't want to feel bad only because Jennifer is going through a tough phase. We want to feel bad for her being attacked by the creature and we want to cheer her on and she tackles this problem in the climax. 

 A good story, nevertheless, but lacks interesting horror scenes. 

 Scare scale: 2.5/5


  1. I don’t know if I can comment without an account. I also never comment on anything, really, it’s rare. Once a year maybe. On ppl I don’t know. But I decided to watch this movie. I would have liked more info on monster abuse sucker, incubus, whatever. I have had horrible abuse from an Ex and the build up made it more horrific for me. The truth of it is you can never escape past trauma such as continuing abuse from a loved one. Once you leave if you do, can, and don’t die. You are never that person again. You turn into someone new wiser and smarter maybe if your not to broken. But that monster, is always there somewhere. A color, a memory, nightmare, tear, picking at you like a bug. Sometimes it’s worse then others. I felt this movie to be a horror of trauma felt by abuse. I enjoyed your blog and it helped prepare me to watch it. I do love horror. Thanks.

  2. Enjoyed the movie a must come out with part 2


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