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Polaroid (2019)— My take on the movie with spoilers!


PLOT SUMMARY: Bird is given a polaroid camera which when used kills the people who are in the photo.

What is a horror movie without jump scares? What is a garage sale without someone selling off a cursed/haunted object? And why are these items sold when a relative is alive and aware of its malevolent characteristics? Unless they want to unleash terrible, and supernatural forces on the unsuspecting public. In this case, I do wonder if perhaps the wife of the supernatural entity, did want to cause some chaos and deaths. If so, then she was the real evil of the movie. Even more so considering what is revealed in the end. 

Polaroid Movie Plot 

The movie Polaroid begins with an introvert girl called Bird being gifted a Polaroid camera by her coworker who immediately wants a kiss in return. She rebuffs him but not the valuable gift which she takes and runs with, leaving behind the case. In the midst of the co-worker's failed attempt to woo Bird, a photo is taken and it is only when Bird goes home that she notices a dark mark in the background. 

That evening, she is dragged to a costume party where she starts snapping more pictures. Teenagers take selfies with it, ignoring their perfectly working mobile phones with filter apps. Everyone is dying to have their pics taken and even photobomb a group photo. Meanwhile, the entity in the photo attacks Bird's coworker. His family isn't alerted, but Bird is called from the party and taken to the police station. When she finds out what happened, she's distraught but doesn't put two and two together until she puts the photos she took at the party, side by side.

When she sees the black shapeshift to another photo, she tries to warn her friends who think she's lost it. Of course, the friend dies and now the friends do believe her ridiculous but true story. They attack her but luckily Bird's crush is there to help. He even takes her to the antique store to retrieve the case, thinking that she's safe considering her picture was never taken and no one bothered to take her photo or include her in the group pic. But surprise, surprise. 

Polaroid Ending Explained with Spoilers!

Turns out, Bird photo bombed the group photo after all since her reflection is in the window. So, of course, the entity attacks Bird who manages to escape by exposing it to heat and light. The friends argue some more, Bird is blamed for everything and, in the ensuing fight, another feature of the supernatural photos is revealed. If you stab the photo, you get stabbed for real. More accusations and insults are hurled at Bird who whimpers feeble apologies. Probably wishes she could fly away. Now that she has the case and sees the initials, she tracks down an old woman who claims the camera belonged to her daughter. 

But wait, she had a tragic story. Her daughter was bullied and had defamatory pictures taken of her. She commits suicide and her father seeks vengeance on her bullies. He finds and tortures them, but one of them escapes and the father is killed. Now, his soul, trapped in the camera wants revenge. Of course, the old lady doesn't seem trustworthy at all and her story is apparently a blatant lie. 

Turns out, the last bully, the survivor, is the sheriff, and according to him, the father was abusive and tortured his friends because they found out the truth. Consumed by guilt, the daughter kills herself. The entity now knows the photos hurt victims, so the sheriff has a picture taken by Bird and his crush. 

The photo is torn in half and the sheriff too is ripped in half. Bird decides to make a sacrifice and takes a photo of herself so that the entity chases her. He does, she takes a picture of the entity and her finger comes in the shot. She burns it and her finger too feels the flames. The entity is vanquished and Bird throws the camera in the river. Will some adventurous diver find it? Probably. Will there be a sequel?


Polaroid Movie Analyzed

 The movie lacked scares and for some reason, you never sympathise with the protagonist. Bird is always whimpering, and her back story is never properly revealed. What is that mark on her neck? Because of the accident, she was in? Did the accident make her stronger or more of an introvert? Either way, she manages to attract friends and guys are vying for her attention. 

 The entity too needed a better motive. What was the purpose of killing random teenagers that had nothing to do with what happened to him? They didn't know what despicable things he had done. If anything, he just made them curious as to why an entity was chasing them and dug into his past and revealed the secrets that could have died with him. 

 Also, we never really get to see how the characters are killed. It's a blink and a miss, and I get it must be for the rating, but somehow, not knowing how they are being killed takes away the terror we should feel at the very appearance of the entity. 

 Scare scale: 

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