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Ruin Me— My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Alex joins her boyfriend Nathan for a horror-themed camping trip that takes a dangerous turn.

As much as I enjoy watching horror movies, I have to wonder, would I like to participate in a horror-themed event and play a character in one of my favourite horror movies? 

At the amusement park, when you visit a haunted house, you sort of know it's all fake, and that you are in a protected environment. And most importantly, it will end in a couple of minutes. You'll be back home in no time, so it is easy to dissociate yourself from the whole horror theme. Now, imagine participating in a slasher sleepover. You get your personal items taken away, your cellphones especially. You have a mask drawn over your head and taken to an unknown location.

Once there, you are given a set of puzzles to solve all the while some disturbing events keep occurring around you, designed to freak you out. Are you game? 

Ruin Me: Plot with Spoilers

Alex, along with her boyfriend Nathan, go on a horror movie-themed camping trip and meet another couple and two guys. After having their personal belongings taken, and kidnapped, then thrown into the forest, it is up to Alex to use her smarts to navigate through the puzzles in spite of not having any interest in horror movies. Of all the participants, she's the only one who figures out every riddle. 

Does she have some help that makes her focus more? Perhaps. Probably, the pills she has to swallow every day. Hmm. Anyway, Nathan has a few secrets of his own. First of all, the tickets to this grisly game are expensive, so Nathan's friend paid for it, but Nathan tells him not to come and instead takes his girlfriend to test her. This is revealed in a neat little twist near the end.

Meanwhile, the other campers are "killed" one by one. There is an "escaped mental patient" in the woods as well. Yes, these are all in quotes because none of it is real. Yup, another spoiler, though obvious. The real story isn't figuring out if the occurrence is real. The real story is about Alex, a heroin addict who turned sober. Or that is what she tells everyone. 

Ruin Me: Ending Explained

Except, Alex had a boyfriend Jared who supplied her with drugs. When she overdoses, Jared takes her to the hospital but Alex decides to get clean. She knows Nathan is good for her, but deep inside, she never really connects with him. Six weeks before the camping trip, she sees Jared again and uses drugs. An addict once again, she replaces her antidepressants with other drugs.

Now Nathan somehow finds out and conjures this whole plan to get his girlfriend to tell him the truth, even to the point of making her choose between him and Jared in a game Alex thinks has been devised to freak her out. Turns out, she chooses Jared over Nathan. Still, Nathan keeps quiet, allowing her to keep her secrets. Eventually, when everything is revealed to Alex about the game and that no one, in fact, had died, she searches for Jared, hoping his strange disappearance was part of the game as well. On the drive back home, she texts Jared but doesn't receive a reply.

They stop over and Alex uses her chance to call Jared. His phone rings but the sound is coming from her trunk! She opens it to find Jared gagged and unconscious. Nathan appears, revealing he set up the puzzle to see who she would choose and is disgusted that she still chose drugs and Jared. Alex claims she loves Nathan only but when he asks her to stab Jared, she freaks out. Nathan kills Jared and Alex in turn kills Nathan when he tries to choke her. In a weird way, she stabs him in the neck with her sobriety necklace. Does it mean she won't be sober anymore?

Well, she is probably going to jail when the police find her fingerprints on the knife and drugs in her system.

 Ruin me was an interesting movie with some well-done twists. It made me wonder if I would ever participate in such a game. I mean, apart from the traitorous boyfriend, the game seemed interesting. And it is in a controlled environment...

 Scare scale:4/5


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