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Creepy Legends: The Midnight Bus

 If you’ve ever traveled by public transport, you know how wearisome it can be. There are the long lines, the rush to get into the bus, not finding seats, and being pressed against the other passengers during peak rush hours.

So it would seem logical that late at night, the haste to return home wouldn’t be hindered by the hassles of traveling by public transport, right? 

People would have already taken the evening bus and the late night bus would virtually be empty enough to rest your weary body.

Well, according to an urban legend, that was not the case for two passengers in China who took the midnight bus.

On November 14th 1995, a young man boarded the last bus to Fragrant Falls. Now the legend has many variations so in some, the bus took the route that was either 302 or 375. Also, the second passenger to get in was either an old man or old woman; depends who you hear the legend from.

In most of my basic research, it was an old man who took the ill-fated bus.

Anyway, right after the two get in, a couple of minutes later, the bus is flagged down by three men.

Ordinarily, the bus driver would not stop since it wasn’t at a stop. But he does because the two men are carrying a third man on their shoulders. Assuming he is injured and the three are looking for a ride to the hospital, the driver gives in and lets them board the bus.

They take a seat in front of the former two passengers.

As they ride along the cold, windy night, the old man suddenly gets up from his seat and accuses the young man of stealing his wallet.

Perplexed by this accusation, the young man stands his ground nevertheless. The old man is relentless in his argument and claims that the only way to solve this is for the police to get involved. He asks the driver to stop and they both get down. The bus resumes its route, leaving the two passengers in the middle of nowhere.

The young man, annoyed that he didn’t get to go home, turns angrily toward the old man who no longer seems angry at him but relieved.

Surprised by his changed demeanor, the young man questions the old man who replies that he just saved their lives.

Confused, the young man prods further and the old man explains that the winds through the bus windows, swept at the feet of the passengers, lifting their robes slightly to reveal they had no feet.

The young man may not believe the old man, but is relieved to no longer be accused of theft and be able to go home. 

The next day, the bus is reported missing. A few days later, the bus is found in a reservoir much to the puzzlement of everyone because here’s the thing, the bus didn’t have enough petrol to get to the reservoir in the first place.

Secondly, the driver’s body was found decomposed as if it had been years since the he had died.

Thirdly, instead of petrol, blood was found in the fuel tank.

The bodies of the other passengers weren’t found although in some versions of the tale, the man who was propped on the shoulders of the other two men, was found decomposed in the same state as the driver.

There is still no verification to be found on whether this story is true or a figment or someone’s imagination or rather a bizarre coverup of a murder that took place on the bus.

The story still baffles the public and I bet no one takes the midnight bus anymore.

Scare scale: 3.5/5


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