The Shed--My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: When a monster takes refuge in Stan's shed, he realizes he has found a chance to get rid of his bullies. 

Vampires plus High School equals to?

No, not Twilight or The Vampire Diaries, where there were no bullies. Where harmony prevailed and anyone who looked weird wasn’t made fun of.

Bullies from any other teen movie would have made fun of pale looking, sun-fearing people.

No, The Shed centres around a monster with vampire traits who takes refuge in, well, a shed.

THE SHED Movie Plot 

Basically, we see a man running in the forest from a monster, who is then bitten and turned into a monster who sizzles in the sun.

He finds the closest shelter which just happens to be a shed belonging to Stan’s grandfather.

We then move on to Stan’s story, a seventeen-year-old who is plagued by nightmares. Seriously, the movie might well have been called Stan’s Nightmares.

And he doesn’t have ordinary ones. He seeks nightmares inside nightmares.

Another interesting thing to note about this movie is the overuse of plaid. Literally, every main character is wearing plaid, to the point, Stan’s pillowcases are plaid too!

In two minutes we see are made aware of the basis of Stan’s nightmares. His mother probably had cancer as seen in his dreams, and his father must have gotten depressed after his wife’s death because he shoots himself.

Stan awakens from the dream turned nightmare to find himself in a tiny room and being berated by his grandfather. There are bruises on his face, either caused by an altercation with someone else, or the result of being abused by his grandfather. We later learn that Stan also has a juvie record.

Stan’s best friend, Dommer, is regularly bullied by Marble and his friends. Stan is still in love with Roxy but knows he has changed now and so has his circumstances.

He does stand up against the bullies for his friend and Roxy, but the only teacher in school stops him. The poor teacher is tasked with roaming the hallways and stopping fights between Stan and Marble.

He doesn’t bother with students skipping school or students being beaten bloody. Nope. He just threatens the two boys with suspension which barely makes them bat an eye.

At home, Stan hears noises and goes to investigate the shed. Being careful, he sends the dog first who is immediately killed and dismembered. Next, Stan complains to his grandfather who goes to investigate the shed. He too faces the same fate.

Stan’s first reaction is to consume beer he wasn’t allowed to touch. Next, he confides in his best friend, but Dommer’s first instinct is to send his bullies to the shed so they can be killed. He did get beaten up by Marble and wants revenge. Stan refuses to take part in murder but fate has other plans.

The next day, Stan is awakened from yet another nightmare by the sheriff who wants to know where his grandfather is.

Stan makes lame excuses that don’t convince the sheriff. She demands she drop him to school. Stan doesn’t change his clothes and stays in them throughout the rest of the movie.

At school, Roxy is teased by Marble, and Stan punches him repeatedly. The sole teacher intervenes and informs Stan that he has called up the sheriff to bring in his grandfather so they could discuss Stan’s suspension. Yes, the school staff is incapable of handling their students and needs to get the law involved.

Stan rushes out to stop the sheriff on foot and manages to arrive just a few minutes later. She was in her car. He was just running. Apparently, Stan is a star athlete.

The sheriff doesn’t find Stan’s grandfather and approaches the shed. When Stan arrives, she accuses him of holding his grandfather prisoner in the shed.

In this laughable moment, the sheriff makes Stan lay on the ground as she threatens him with a gun. Why does Stan not inform the authorities that his grandfather was killed by someone in his shed? We find the answer now as the sheriff concocts a dumb story to accuse Stan of torturing his grandfather. Perhaps Stan knew the law officers of this town is inept.

Because, of course, they are. The monster drags the sheriff in, rips out one arm. Afterwards, not one deputy comes in to find out what happened to the sheriff.

Anyway, minutes later, Marble arrives to take revenge. Stan is beaten up a little before Dommer comes in with a gun, supposedly belonging to the sheriff.

He threatens to shoot him but instead tells Marble to go into the shed. Stan freaks out and Marble knows going into the shed is worse than being shot.

He still goes in and is attacked by the monster. Stan is horrified and scuffles with Dommer who hits him on the head with the gun.

He awakens and finds Roxy beside him. Clearly, there are more students outside than inside the school. Then again, how much can a single teacher handle?

Stan enters the shed and finds Dommer is turned into a monster because he thinks it will make him more powerful. The original monster has escaped.

Stan drags him into the sunlight and Dommer is subdued. Roxy and Stan cover him up and ready themselves for the onslaught of the others who have changed into monsters.

THE SHED Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Marble’s friends come looking for his friend and Stan tries to get them away from danger, but it’s too late.

Stan and Roxy manage to pull one of them in while the monster turns the electricity off.

Stan has built stakes, boarded his whole house, but hasn’t told Roxy that there is an attic as well.

Another great plan, they decide to separate and look for the monster. They should have stuck together because Roxy ventures into Stan’s room and sits down to look at photos rather than search for the monster.

The monster does away with the friend, comes after Stan and Roxy. Roxy is thrown down and Stan thinks he can defend his girlfriend by throwing a knife at the monster. The monster sidesteps and the knife hits Roxy.

Stan manages to kill the monster and in the end, he and Roxy toss all the turned monsters into the shed and set it on fire.

They sleep in the car with one of the monsters in the trunk. Dommer? Stan is still wearing the same shirt which is still clean.

They drive off just as they realize the trunk wasn’t secured properly.

The movie was entertaining in the sense that it will make you laugh at the ridiculous scenes. Maybe it was all intentional and an attempt at dark humour.

In spite of the good acting skills displayed, the direction was weak and the story was not cleared of plot holes.

Scare scale: 2/5


  1. Great premise ruined by poor acting ie shouting and plot


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