Coronavirus: Let's Panic!

A rapidly spreading disease, thousands infected and dead. The only preventive measure advised everywhere: wash your hands.

Surely, it can’t be that simple, can it?

As countries implement shut down of places, cancel events, restrict travel and ask people to stay at home, there is a primal fear that is generated. Our will to survive kicks in and our logical and over-analytical minds urge us to act more than just wash hands.

No, we have to wear masks that will filter the air that enters our nose and mouth. No, we have to stock up on groceries and sanitary items because if countries have restricted travel, how much longer before they stop imports and exports?

There is a vaccine being developed but it will take months before it enters the market. What will we do till then?

Unfortunately, the virus is of microscopic size. We cannot see it in the air we breathe, or the surfaces we touch. Had we been able to see those pesky, threatening, lethal enemy, we would have been able to safeguard ourselves.

So what do you do when you can’t see the enemy? You don’t fight, you hide. For the time being at least.

The only thing known is that they can be weakened if exposed to soap. And that they travel faster and in abundance through droplets.

In this case, the solution offered may seem nonsensical but this is the best the experts can do in these circumstances.

Wash your hands. Maintain social distancing. Stay safe. Stay Home.


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