Creepy Legends: Mrs Don't-Come-Running

You know how in Family movies, whenever a kid scrapes his or her knee, the mother comes and makes a big fuss?

Her whole world falls apart and at that moment, she drops everything she’s doing, especially something career related, and runs to her child to make sure he or she is alright.

Kids who watch these movies put that pressure on their parents then. “Why can’t you be like that mom?” They will ask. “Why can’t you drop everything you own when you see me fall and kiss my boo-boos away?”

I guess some parents will agree to it, while others may counter with, “what were you doing running around the play area anyway? Why were you standing in front of the swings when you know kids were on it? Why were you climbing up the slide when you are supposed to, you know SLIDE down?

In any case, the parents feel pressurized to live up to their kids’ expectations. But the question is, how do you discipline them?

By sharing a scary story, of course.

Legend has it, that long ago there was a woman who was the strictest mother ever. Her name has been lost with time because as with some people, their characteristics become more prominent and more a part of them than their own name.

Snot-nose kid, meddling kid, loud sneezer, freeloader, etc.

The woman was known to not care of her kids fell and cried about their boo-boos. In fact if they were bothering her too much, she would show them her cruel side and strike their legs.

The other kids and parents must have noticed her callous behavior in the playground and how she was treating her kids. But instead of doing anything about it or reporting her, if there was a protection law for children at that time even, they gave her a nickname: Mrs Don’t Come Running.

Yes, don’t come running if you fell down while playing. Don’t come running if you hit your head. Don’t come running if you were climbing a wall and fell on your back.

Just Don’t come running at all.

The woman’s tale is used as a warning story to any kid who is playing rough in a playground.

If you fall down, don’t come running!


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