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Infernum-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: After her parents disappear during a camping trip when she was a kid, Camille, now all grown up, launches an investigation behind the strange phenomenon that was responsible for the incident. 

Here’s a question: should you stay and fight? Or run to fight another day? Or maybe run and never fight at all.

Because here’s the thing about being brave, there’s a good chance things won’t go as planned. There’s a small chance you’ll be rewarded for your efforts, and that too if you survive.

The reason this question comes to mind is because of the very first scene in the movie.


A family is camping somewhere in the woods when the father hears a weird sound.

Of course, it is the middle of the night and he wants to be a hero.

He gets out of his tent and wanders about. When he doesn’t return, the wife decides to be a hero as well. She just has to know where the sounds and lights are coming from. She thinks she hears her husband calling for help as well. There’s a brief moment when she looks back at the tent where her young daughter is sleeping and thinks, oh well, maybe there might be animals roaming about who might be willing to raise her.

She goes off into the woods as well. The little girl wakes up, wonders if her parents abandoned her or are missing, then sees the lights turn on and off on the trees, accompanied by a strange humming sound. She screams.

Years later, Camille is all grown up. The phenomenon she experienced has been experienced all over the world. It’s the inspiration for her sculptures as well. She barely shows any emotion and has to really squeeze her eyes or pinch herself to get a tear rolling down her face. Her mentor is her biggest supporter, even lauding her choice to name her exhibition Infernum.

Camille is working with James who takes a more journalistic approach to her project. He has some interviews set up of people who have experienced the weird humming phenomenon.

Camille returns to the house and has a forced fight with her boyfriend Hunter who is a bit too desperate to celebrate their anniversary.

Camille doesn’t even care about it but Hunter wants to celebrate the occasion with dinner at all costs. They get into a fight and Camille whines about being in love with him and they make up. Regardless, Camille heads off with James for the interviews.

Pretty much everyone has the same story of some loved one or another disappearing, with some stating it isn’t him but people wailing.

Hunter goes on about anniversary dinners throughout the next day but Camille now wants to go to Kimberly because that’s where the sound is and she wants to experience it first hand. James is desperate to accompany her. Hunter is just desperate to have his anniversary dinner.

Camille and James head out to the state but are told there is a blockade and they need to take a free train ride there. It’s free, so they get on immediately. They don’t sit in the seats but away from everyone so they can have a moment where Camille can reconsider being with Hunter.

Unfortunately, Hunter followed her and has brought dinner. He wants the anniversary dinner at all costs. James is sent away for a while to sit with the other passengers.

One of the men has a radio, another is a woman, among the few passengers who want to go experience the sound.

Hunter and Camille make up and call James to be the third wheel. Then they all have wine and fall asleep. When they wake up, they hear an announcement that the train has experienced some technical difficulties and would resume shortly.
It doesn’t.

Soon the lights go off, it’s freezing cold, people disappear as the wailing outside grows loud enough that it is impossible to hear the dialogues.

INFERNUM Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

They find the old man’s radio that he dropped before disappearing. They call for help and are told they would receive it after 45 minutes.

By then the woman’s boyfriend has gone out to find out what is going on, and Hunter, content with celebrating his anniversary dinner, decides he wants to be a hero and take a walk to digest some of the food. He decides to check out why the train is stopped too.

No one returns, the woman is found frozen to death. Camille enters the adjoining carriage and sees her parents who hug her before turning into frozen zombies.

Camille wakes up to find James frozen to death too.

Hunter comes back, the sound stops and Camille thinks she’s saved but looks up to see he’s frozen to death.

Help finally arrives, and Camille is barely alive.

At the hospital, Camille sees a news report on the incident and finds that the curly-haired woman had survived.

Camille says, no... no... and the movie ends.

We are glad that the movie ends.

Scare scale: 1.5/5


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