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The Haunting of Hill House: Episode Four

 There have been instances in comedy movies wherein twins have a special bond with each other that extends to them feeling each other’s pain. That makes for plenty of comedic sequences where one would hit his head, only for the other to also feel that. Or perhaps in an action scene where one will be captured and the other has to fend off the villain by using twin reflexes.

But in a horror sequence, the twin “thing” takes a whole other meaning.

By now we know that Nell is dead, so what happens to Luke? Did he feel it? He must have, right?

Luke has suffered his own trauma in childhood. He befriended a girl called Abigail but since no one else has seen her, they assume she’s imaginary.
His mother Olivia has found a box of old clothes and things in the attic and Luke immediately takes a liking to a bowler hat.

Adult Luke is battling an addiction problem and is in rehab. He is 90 days clean and intends to stay on the road to recovery especially after he was turned away from Nell’s wedding by Shirley who thought Luke would only create problems in the wedding. He has made a friend whom everyone thinks he’s in a relationship with. Unfortunately, she runs away and Luke feels it is his duty to bring his friend back, especially when he wakes up in the morning and sees Nell standing in his room and telling him to go.

He runs away himself and finds his friend almost getting high again. He calls back to let his supervisor know that he has found his friend and wants to return, but she tells him he can no longer return as his bed was given away. It is their policy after all if someone abandons their bed.

Now without money, Luke and his friend have no other choice but to seek help from his siblings. Through out it all, Luke keeps feeling cold and keeps massaging his neck.

Young Luke is sleeping one night when he hears a thumping sound. He peeks out the door and sees a silhouette of a tall man with a cane. He seems to be floating and checking every room.

Luke gets scared and hides under his bed. The floating tall man enters his room, checks on Nell, then comes to Luke’s bed. The shadows reveal that the tall man had come for his hat which he takes and puts on.

Luke makes a sound and the tall man stops. He comes over to the bed and peeks underneath, terrifying Luke.

Adult Luke decides to go to Steve’s apartment after learning he broke up with his wife. He finds his things and decides to steal the iPad and other things. Steve comes in just as he is leaving and tells him to leave the iPad but he can take the other things. He also reveals his disappointment.

Luke has the money but his friend disappears into the alley after revealing her feelings for him. He goes into the alley and is mugged and beaten.

Meanwhile, Steve has come looking for Luke to tell him about Nell’s suicide. He goes in search of him in the car.

Luke is being followed by the tall man in a bowler hat and keeps feeling unnaturally cold.

Steve stops the car and Luke is shocked to learn about Nell’s death. But he massages his neck and tells Steve that Nell didn’t commit suicide...


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