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The Haunting of Hill House: Episode Seven

 Funerals can be tough for families and even more so when you have to reconnect with estranged family.

Hugh finds it difficult to get through the day, because all these years, he’s hidden the truth from his children regarding Hill House and what actually happened to Olivia, their mother.

Hugh seems to be able to see Olivia, or she lives in his imagination. He dresses up and converses with her like she’s alive. Then when he’s in the car, reaches out to Shirley, who is still in a bad mood after what she saw last night with her husband and Theo. She refuses to be consoled.

Olivia tells Hugh not to interfere and she knows her kids better than him. He meets Theo and does better with her. She feels regret at what Shirley saw but knows she won’t get a chance to talk to her.

In the past, Hugh finds a leak and goes to the basement to find the source, but he can’t find it. Steve offers to help, but when the fan comes on just as Hugh’s wondering what happened to it, his hand gets caught and he cuts himself. He immediately asks Steve to leave.

The caretaker, Mr Dudley arrives to assist and tells Hugh the leak may be coming from another room. Hugh thinks it might be the room behind the red door that never opens. He tells Olivia of his suspicions and she offers to draw up the blueprints.

However, Olivia seems a little out of it and when she makes the blueprints, Hugh can’t make sense of it. Mr Dudley thinks Olivia needs to take a break and Hugh thinks he’s speaking out of turn and sends him away.

Hugh shows Olivia the blueprints she made and she is shocked by them because they don’t make sense. She agrees to go away to her sister’s for a while and take a break.

Hugh gets frustrated by everything and tries to break open the red door but is shoved away. Nothing can break down the door.

Eventually, Hugh figures out what is behind the wall in the basement. It is William Hill, the former owner of Hill house. He was thought to have disappeared. There are also scratch marks found suggesting he might have accidentally gotten behind the wall, and then bricked in.

In the present, the eulogy is given, Nell is buried, and the siblings give their goodbye.

Luke sees Olivia and is attacked by her. He is traumatized and keeps to himself.

After the funeral, everyone meets at Shirley’s house and Theo and Hugh see Olivia crawling towards them. They are scared and think she is responsible for breaking Shirley’s model of a forever house Olivia never got to build.

Shirley comes in and thinks Theo broke the house on purpose.

Before they can argue some more, they realize Luke isn’t there and wonder if perhaps he got too depressed since he shared the twin thing with Nell and may have gone back to Hill House to kill himself...


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