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The Haunting of Hill House: Episode Three

 Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and felt like someone has touched you?

Sometimes, it’s just a twitch, a spasm, your body experiencing a sudden jolt when it hasn’t been able to slip into sleep.

Other times, it is actually from the other side touching you.

We see Theo sleeping on her bed, clasping someone’s hand. She thinks it’s her little sister Nell who was awakened by a nightmare and now needs comfort.

Then suddenly she feels something is off and opens her eyes, and turns. It isn’t her sister. There’s no one on her bed apart from her.

After that incident, Theo develops a strange ability to feel and see things before they happen.

Adult Theo is a child psychiatrist and trying to figure out her patient’s mystery monster MR Smiley.

She wears gloves at all times, even when she’s being flirtatious and intimate with a girl she meets at a bar. It is obvious Theo has intimacy issues.

She lives in Shirley’s guest house and like her other siblings, is too, guilty of not taking Nell’s calls.

Young Theo experiences a strange incident in her home when her younger brother Luke uses the dumbwaiter. It glitches and sends him down the basement which isn’t drawn in the blueprints.

Luke sees a monster and reveals this to Theo when he is saved, promising he wasn’t imagining things.

Theo uses her newfound gift to find the cellar door and the basement.

Her mother, Olivia, realizes Theo is sensitive just like her and Theo’s grandmother. She gifts Theo gloves as she is too troubled by being able to sense everything around her. Plus, she constantly feels cold even when it is not, indicating she may be surrounded by spirits.

Adult Theo goes to her young patient’s house and removes her gloves to touch the site where the girl has seen Mr Smiley. What she sees, shocks her.

Before she leaves, she wants to confirm her feelings are right. She shakes hand with the girl’s foster father and her suspicions are confirmed.

She calls Child Protection services and complains about the girl being abused by her foster father.

They come in and arrest the father. Theo realizes the girl had made up Mr Smiley so that she wouldn’t have to face the truth that he foster father was doing those horrible things to her.

She feels bad about the girl re-entering the system and awaiting a loving family. This she reveals to her girlfriend she met at the bar.

At home, when Shirley learns what happens to Nell and informs Theo of this, she is in utter disbelief but advises Shirley what to tell her children.

Later, when Nell is on the table after being worked on by Shirley, Theo’s curiosity gets the better of her.

She hopes to find what prompted Nell to kill herself. She touched her forehead and is alarmed. Then she breaks down, unable to cope with what she has just felt...


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