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The Dinner Party-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: When Jeff and Hayley are invited to a dinner party, little do they know the danger they have put themselves in. 

For a movie that is called the Dinner Party, don’t expect any such displays of sumptuous food-laden tables or an entertaining evening between friends.

In fact, it would be wise to not eat anything before you watch this movie because when it comes down to the twist, you may just find yourself puking on the side.


The movie begins with a couple heading to a mansion. Jeff and Hayley have either been invited or gotten themselves invited by the elite who have tons of connections that can help Jeff’s burgeoning career as a playwright. He gives Hayley guidelines on how to behave making his wife even more nervous as she heads to the door.

They knock and Sebastian opens the door and he pretty much asks them what they are doing here before closing the door on their face. Jeff has no self-esteem and knocks again. This time Sebastian answers with an ostentatious mask on his head that seems like horns of the devil. He invites the couple in and Hayley promptly hands him a bottle of wine. Sebastian isn’t impressed because he thinks it is a twelve dollar bottle of wine.

It is.

The couple is introduced to Carmine, Vincent and Sadie. Some offhand remarks are passed and Hayley excuses herself to go to the bathroom. When she goes upstairs, she thinks she is seeing a statue in the bathroom. When she comes out, the statue is actually Agatha, another guest who hates wearing clothes.

Hayley shies away and goes downstairs. At dinner, all the guests begin to show off their knowledge about opera music playing in the background. Jeff brings up a story about having a lucky charm that is a chess piece. He’s made fun of believing in plastic that is harmful to the environment. He’s supposed to pick a lucky charm that is environment-friendly.

Hayley stands up for him but he doesn’t do the same when Hayley begins talking about her painful past where she was molested by one parent and seen her mother cut her own throat after killing her husband for touching their daughter inappropriately.

The guests seem to like Hayley and sympathize with her. Jeff is embarrassed Hayley brought it up, excuses themselves and threatens her to behave in front of these sophisticated people.

Sadie isn’t too happy to see Hayley being treated so shabbily. Hayley goes away and when Sadie stretches her arms, Jeff makes a comment about her unshaved armpits to which Sadie reminds him that his opinion is neither desired nor required.

Jeff is humiliated but his ego remains. Hayley takes her medication and when the guests are served wine, Jeff takes her glass since it would interfere with her medication.

We’ve seen enough horror movies by now to know that it is never a good idea to exchange glasses or take wine from strangers.

Soon the wine starts taking effect and Jeff realizes he’s been drugged. Hayley too has been given some wine and she starts to feel woozy.

The very next instant, Jeff’s neck is chopped off. Hayley is shocked but too drunk to do anything but watch as blood splatters on the glass and the placemat. She loses consciousness.

When she awakens, the most disturbing scene in the movie takes place. Yes, even more disgusting than Jeff being chopped off. If you’re eating something while watching the movie, now is the time to set it aside or risk throwing up your snacks.

Agatha is dressed in lingerie and Hayley is tied to a chair and made to watch as Agatha talks about putting herbs in Jeff’s drink. She uses Jeff’s headless body to satisfy herself. Hayley turns away and so will you and consider turning off the movie.

When Hayley comes too again, she’s at the kitchen where Jeff’s body is being cut into pieces and being cooked. She’s tied with black scarves that she easily frees herself from. Perhaps the hosts tied her casually for a reason. They wanted her to run because her anguish and desperation is entertainment to them.

She runs outside and coincidentally finds the sheriff’s car parked some distance away from the mansion. Sebastian follows her and explains to the sheriff that she’s his sister-in-law who has mental issues. The sheriff tells him to shut up and asks Hayley to explain and when she does, laughs because the doctor who owns the mansion would never hurt anyone.
Still, he indulges Hayley and asks her to come with him to investigate the mansion because it’s ridiculous that the doctor would want to eat anyone.

Sebastian too is put in the backseat. Hayley has her reservations and is right when she doesn’t want to get off the car. The sheriff manages to convince her and of course, her instincts are right. The sheriff is in on it as well and chides the hosts for doing such a shabby job binding, Hayley. He tells them to use the handcuffs.

THE DINNER PARTY Ending Explained with spoilers! 

Hayley tries to make a run for it but is restrained easily. She is made to sit at the table while everyone feasts on Jeff. They relish every bite while Sadie appears and recites an incantation, snowing no modesty. She performs a ritual on Hayley who is tied up with scarves again.

She suffers a seizure and suddenly gets violent. She breaks free from her binds and begins attacking everyone.
Sadie seems to be helping her as well.
In the end, it is only Sebastian left who is drinking her twelve-dollar bottled wine. He explains the story of his favourite opera the Pagliacci and then he too is murdered.

All that is left is Sadie. She shows Hayley the tarot cards they had picked before and that even though she picked the death card, she was reminded it could also mean a new beginning for her.
Hayley wants to know who Sadie is and if she’s the devil. Sadie laughs and says no as her eyes change shape and colour.

Hayley picks another card and sees Adam and Eve. She asks Sadie if she’s the first woman to which Sadie agrees. She explains she was never expelled from paradise but left of her own free will. She said she’s always been looking for love and that she knows Hayley didn’t just witness her parent’s death but caused them.

She asks Hayley to join her and always be by her side forever. Hayley agrees with a kiss.

Later on, a couple is seen walking to the mansion and nervous about meeting the couple who is well connected and will help their careers.
Hayley invites them and is wearing the same mask Sebastian was in the beginning. It is implied that they are going to do the same ritual that was done on Hayley and Jeff.

In Jeff’s case, he was mean to Hayley so Sadie felt it was justified that he was punished. But the new couple, looked supportive of each other. How is it that Hayley is okay with hurting people? Just so she can remain immortal and with Sadie forever?

Is that why they’re eating people? Just for the fun of it? Hurting innocent people and eating them?

The movie, as disgusting as it was, managed to keep the suspense and thrills going. Then the ending explanation ruined the whole premise.

Scare scale: 2/5


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