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Who was phone?-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

Plot Summary: After Fiona's boyfriend is murdered, she tries to get to the bottom of the mystery before the killer strikes again. 

Yes, that is actually the title of the movie: Who was Phone? If you are a master in meme culture, you would know that the title itself is part of a meme. And the movie? That is a lesson in memes itself.

In order to get the jokes, you need to know your memes.

The very first scene is based on the meme that is also the title of the movie.
WHO WAS PHONE? Movie Plot 

A girl is sleeping with her boyfriend when there’s a call in the middle of the night. The boyfriend picks it up and it is from the girlfriend’s dad. He apparently gives him some advice to which the boyfriend asks who is this and then tells his girlfriend that it is her father. But the girl, Fiona, tells him that her dad is dead.

The boyfriend is shocked and before there is any other reaction, a masked stranger enters the house and kills the boyfriend.

Fiona meets the detective who is supposed to be a meme on a person who believes and blames aliens for everything. The acting is terrible and the comedy awkward. The actress playing Fiona does a decent job though.

The sketch artist makes a number of memes on her pad rather than the actual sketch based on Fiona’s description.
Her overprotective mother pops in and the detective assures her that Fiona isn’t being arrested and hence doesn’t need an attorney.

Fiona goes to meet her friends who are again just based on memes.

There’s Stacy who likes taking selfies in the bathroom not realizing there’s something floating in the toilet behind.

There’s Jessica who is the idiot nerd girl. But somehow she manages to get something right towards the end of the movie.

There is Kerry who is always well dressed showing how successful he is, based on the successful black guy meme.

Steve and his brother Brian. Their costumes are a dead give away and they are based on characters that were popular in recent years.

Lastly, there is Phil who is the friend-zoned guy. Music plays whenever Fiona praises him before she calls him her brother.

They all try to figure out who could be behind Fiona’s boyfriend’s murder. And then they have a photoshoot in the bathroom where the three girls and placed in a bubble bath.

Brian loses his composure and goes to the other room, only to be murdered.
They all look at the photos taken and notice a figure in the window behind the bathtub. When you see it...

The detective is called again and his incompetence is palpable.

Meanwhile, the masked man pops out of a garbage bin but Kerry punches him and the man disappears.

Stacy is making videos at the library and earning tips when the masked man comes to kill her. Her online customers aren’t bothered and get into a fight about operating systems and mobile devices.

Fiona wants the call that her boyfriend picked up, traced but the police can’t help because they accidentally deleted the records.

The friends find an Indian guy Rav who traces the call to a guy who claims his phone was stolen. He uses the app feature to locate his phone and it is none other than Fiona’s dad who is alive and well.

The friends, along with Rav head back home but Steve gets into a fight with an old man on the bus, and Rav makes it worse resulting in him getting beaten up and left behind.

WHO WAS PHONE? Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

The friends decide to take a self-defence class hosted by the detective which results in the detective shooting himself in the leg. The friends decide they aren’t going to get any help here and find Fiona’s dad who claims he isn’t the murderer.

While at the house, Steve and Jessica get closer while Fiona’s computer is hacked and she receives weird messages.

The masked man reappears and kills Fiona’s dad. Steve and Jessica try to defend themselves but are injured.

The killer appears and tries to strangle Fiona who tells him to just get over with it. She is saved and the killer reveals he is the same person who pretended that his phone was lost and that he is the star of a show where he pranks people.

Everyone laughs and are relieved.

But is everyone actually dead? Or ded in this case?

The movie is just a collection of memes one after another without any actual story to string it along. The characters don’t move apart from the few characteristics generated in memes over the years.

The acting is passable but the story is a giant mess of memes stirred together without any actual logic.

Oh yes, in the end, the detective is abducted by aliens which is a good thing because he was the worst actor in the movie.

Scare scale: 1.5/5



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