Slaxx (2021)-- My take on the movie with spoilers!


PLOT SUMMARY: A pair of possessed jeans creates havoc during the store's launch. It is up to new recruit Libby to try and save the day.

Those jeans are to die for.

How many times have we heard overexcited people utter those words when they come across a pricey piece of fabric?

Well, here comes a movie where jeans, actually will kill you. How? They become possessed of course. Now, here's the thing... why exactly are these pieces of denim killing innocent people? The reason will confuse you.

SLAXX Movie Plot 

A trendy clothing store is just about to launch its new jeans that will take the shape of the wearer's body. That means whether someone is fat or thin, the jeans will accommodate the wearer and make them feel comfortable. A pretty awesome fashion idea, don't you think?

The only problem is, that this store claims to be GMO-free, doesn't believe in sweatshops and implement fair trade. They believe in a better tomorrow, today!

Libby is a new, enthusiastic recruit who is taken in right before the launch of the jeans where there is going to be a celebrity guest present too: Peyton Jules. Libby tries to bond with another employee, Shruti by telling her she loves Bollywood music to which Shruti points out that Libby is being racist. Not a good start for her.

The owner, Harold comes a visit just before the launch to deliver a speech to encourage the staff. The manager, Craig, has a lot on his hands especially self-centred employees like Jemma, Lord and Hunter.

Jemma makes the mistake of stealing a pair of new jeans and wearing it right in front of the boss. No one realizes what she is wearing. Not long after, Jemma starts getting cramps and thinks she's getting her period. She rushes off to the bathroom and then to her horror, realizes she cannot get the jeans off. She screams in horror as the waistband squeezed her abdomen and blood begins to gush out.

Craig begins to lose his patience when he can't get a hold of Jemma and asks Hunter to go look for her since he cannot very well go into the ladies' bathroom, can he? The jeans Jemma was wearing is alive and wipes the blood from the floor and neatly folds itself back up for Hunter to find it and wear it rather than wonder why her friend left the jeans lying about. We don't get to see Hunter's face as her body contorts and her bones are broken.

Now Craig has lost it. He can't find two of his employees and Peyton is just about to arrive and Livestream the launch. He sends Lord to look for the colleagues after Shruti refuses to go search for Jemma and Hunter. Lord barely gets to try out the jeans when his hands are chewed off. A lot of blood, and I mean, a lot of blood sprays about everywhere before the jeans lunge at Lord. He's dead too.

Meanwhile, the store which was on lockdown deactivates for one hour so that Peyton can enter. Craig enlists Libby's help and she finds a weirdly twisted Jemma in the bathroom cabinet. She informs Craig who becomes more concerned with bad publicity. While Libby insists they call the police, Craig is more interested in damage control and his brilliant idea is to hit Libby on the head and knock her unconscious.

What Craig doesn't see is Peyton being attacked by the jeans she is advertising. The jeans leg wraps around her neck and strangles her immediately before lunging at Peyton's crew. Every other person in the room is attacked and Craig enters to find blood sprayed everywhere. Quietly, he retreats, unable to think about what to do. His assistant manager, Barb isn't ready to listen to the issue that has cropped up and insults Craig for doing a terrible job. Craig decides to get rid of her and purposely sends her out into the path of the killer jeans.

The jeans are on the lookout for the next victim and is about to attack Shruti but then hears her singing 'Hamara India' and begins to dance rather badly. Attack thwarted thanks to Bollywood!

The whole scene is recorded thanks to Peyton's camera that was left running after the camerawoman became a feast for the jeans.

Libby awakens and finds the camera and realizes the jeans in Indian. She shows it to Shruti who is shocked but agrees that Bollywood music can save the day. Shruti finds Craig and thinks he will help her. The jeans has found a mannequin to hold on top of it so that it looks like a person and then uses blood to put a bindi on the forehead because apparently all Indians wear bindis and that is how you can identify them.

Shruti uses the mike to converse with the killer jeans who begins to write on the walls in Hindi and telling them the story of how there is no such thing as fair trade and those thirteen-year-old girls are being employed to work on fields. The killer jeans reveal its name is Keerat and that she fell into the machine at the cotton field after her sari gets stuck. her blood gets mixed up with all that cotton and instead of it being tossed away, jeans were still made from that cotton.

Libby gets teary-eyed and wants Keerat's story to be told. She and Shruti head out to talk to her but Craig uses a fire extinguisher on it and reminds the girls that they are dealing with a serial killer jeans. There's some running around and Shruti and Libby now have to hide from Craig who wants to keep a lid on the whole thing. The one-hour deactivation mark has passed and the girls can't get out.

SLAXX Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Craig lures Shruti out and stabs her. Libby is scared for her life as more jeans come to life. They all attack Craig and eat his flesh away. Libby tries to be the hero and promises the killer jeans, who have taken position near the entrance and ready to attack customers, that their story will be told. The jeans don't care. Libby realizes the jeans are not going to listen. They are headstrong teenage girls after all. She tries to unsuccessfully block the doors but people are crazy for jeans and burst into the store, pushing Libby who apparently dies because of it?

Slaughter takes place. Blood flies everywhere. People die.

In the end, we see an Indian girl walking towards the field which states that it is an experimental field. She has a determined, vengeful stare. She isn't going to forgive anyone who crosses her.

In this case, it was the machine who took her life, but she has sworn revenge on all the people who manufacture jeans and those who wear them, It makes no sense why innocent people were killed. Is it because teenage girls possessed the jeans and they are being overdramatic?

The movie is a fun watch anyhow and does have an interesting concept.

Scare scale:


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