Fear Street Part Two: 1978 Movie Ending Explained

 PLOT SUMMARY: The year is 1978 and Ziggy and her sister Cindy are at Camp Nightwing. The fun ends when a camper is possessed and the killings begin. 

Sequels can be tricky. Usually, the audience has set the expectation for the story from the first film. The first part is the foundation of the series and based on that the audience is going to return in order to find out what happens next.

Very rarely you will find a sequel that is better than the first. In this case, the sequel is better than the first part.

Why? For one thing, the characters are better etched out and we do sympathize with them. Secondly, the story feels complete, something that was lacking in the first part.

Sure the first part is supposed to leave questions unanswered on purpose but it also makes you feel like you are watching an incomplete movie because you don't get to learn about the characters or why it is such a big issue that they simply cannot leave Shadyside if it is such a cursed land.

The second part shows that the characters can't leave and they have tried but something keeps them in that accursed land.

Although Ziggy and Cindy's father seemed to have run away with his girlfriend. That means he did manage to escape Shadyside. Unless he ran away and lives in the sake town.

In the first part, it was shown that Sam did leave Shadyside for Sunnyvale but fate brought her back and cursed her to stay on.

The threats in the second part become real. Shadyside becomes a terrifying place.

FEAR STREET PART TWO: 1978 Movie Plot 

When the movie begins C.Berman is sleeping and getting up with the aid of dozens of alarms she's placed around the house. There isn't a proper explanation given as to why she does that. Is she trying to escape from her nightmares? 

She hears a noise and believes an intruder is coming to get her. She is about to stab the person entering through the window when the girl stops her. It is Deena from the first part along with her brother Josh.

They came to see her after C.Berman called them to tell them their nightmare with Sara Fier was never going to be over. She tells Deena she should have never come and why did she anyway?

Deena shows her a restrained Sam in the trunk and C.Berman gets even more anxious and tells the teens to get out and she wants nothing to do with this.

Deena gives an emotional speech about loving Sam and C. Berman has an instant change of heart.

Sam is restrained in another room where she doesn't make a peep for the rest of the movie. That's all the role Sam gets.

C. Berman sits the teens down and while she retains she doesn't want to get involved, she happily narrates what happened in 1978 in Camp Nightwing.

We are introduced to Ziggy, a brazen teen who is bullied by the other campers. The girl, Sheila, accuses her of being a witch for reasons that are not fully understood. She is accused of being a thief too, the teens clearly haven't decided they want to bully Ziggy by calling her a witch or a thief or a monster.

And then extreme steps are taken when Ziggy is almost hung on the tree and burned. Luckily, Nick Goode, who grew up to be a sheriff in the first part, comes running and stops them. Clearly, he has saving people and upholding the law in his blood.

We then learn that these bullies are Sunnyvalers who clearly don't have a sunny attitude. Ziggy walks away in a huff while Nick follows her, clearly smitten by this Shadysider. But before he could recreate a Romeo Juliet story, Ziggy shows him the finger and storms off.

We then meet Cindy, Ziggy's elder sister and are supposed to believe that C. Berman is her. But of course, we don't fall for that ruse because if she was Cindy then she would be called Cindy Berman and not C.Berman. And Ziggy does seem more like a nickname. Still, it is supposed to be a shocking twist to the kids from the 90s.

Cindy is scrubbing the outhouse and irked that the red moss spoiled her precious polo shirt. Her boyfriend tries to lighten the mood and makes a move on her but Cindy quickly thwarts his move. Only kissing allowed. No hanky-panky here.

The other camp counsellor, Kurt, then pops in to stop the kissing as well. He tells Cindy that his sister misbehaved again and is at risk of being thrown out again.

Ziggy has gone to see Nurse Lane who was Ruby Lane's mother, the very girl that is shown in the first part and is known to sing songs before she slits people's throats with a razor. Nurse Lane appears disturbed as she talks about her daughter and wraps the bandage around Ziggy's arm real tight. Even as Nurse Lane comes back to earth, she doesn't bother correcting the bandage. By then Cindy has come to reprimand her sister and Ziggy explains her behaviour is because of their father leaving abruptly and their mother having to take care of them.

Cindy gets annoyed and leaves because she has to go back to scrubbing floors while Tommy is doing a terrible job clearing the tables at the cafeteria. There is still so much stuff left even after he's supposedly done cleaning.

Cindy is too angry to scrub and immediately breaks it. While she goes to get a replacement, Nurse Lane pops in and cryptically tells Tommy that she saw his name on the wall and now has to kill him. She doesn't go into too many details and then gives another cryptic message about him dying one way or another tonight.

Tommy and Nurse Lane spar while Cindy watches on like a spectator. Tommy manages to push Nurse Lane hard enough for her to get knocked out but in the process hits his head too.

The police are called to pick up the nurse and Cindy notices Ziggy looking forlorn.

She approaches her and asks what the Nurse told her since Tommy is visibly shaken, but the sisters end up squabbling again and Cindy learns that her sister is being bullied. Ziggy, while speaking to her sister, is also multi-tasking with a paint can and we learn it was supposed to be a prop for the prank she was going to play on her nemesis, Sheila.

The camp counsellors give an encouraging speech to the campers and "commenciate" the colour wars which in this case is red vs. blue, Sunnyvale vs. Shadyside.

The counsellors decide to play this game in the dark with kids who are not exactly that old.

Meanwhile, Cindy believes Nurse Lane was on drugs and in order to put Tommy at ease, breaks into Nurse Lane's place and finds a half bottle of medicine in her drawer.

Just then, her friend Alice and her boyfriend Arnie come looking for drugs and snatch the bottle from Cindy. They find the nurse's diary as well and find a map that is supposed to lead to Sara Fier's body and hand. As per the curse, if her hand and body is united, the curse ends. Alice and Arnie go on this adventure while Cindy and Tommy follow them to stop them because they are goody-two-shoes.

They end up in a cave where Tommy sees his name engraved on the wall, and Cindy still doesn't want to believe the witch's tale is true. Arnie and Alice tell her the nurse was only taking medicine for treating mild fevers and headaches. Cindy wonders what came over the nurse to make her lose her wits when Tommy decides to prove once and for all that the witch's hold is still on the land. After hearing his name called several times, he finally allows himself to become possessed and chops Arnie.

The girls scream, run around and manage to lose Tommy but make the mistake of trapping themselves inside the cave and letting Tommy escape.

As in the previous part, anyone who finds the witch's bones and bleeds on her ends up being possessed by the witch. When did Tommy do anything like that?

Anyway, while the Color Wars is in full swing, Tommy begins to attack the campers, and Ziggy takes Nick's suggestion to play a better prank on Sheila that doesn't plagiarize Stephen King's famous novel, Carrie.

Kurt and a counsellor and making out and when he goes into the bathroom, Tommy appears to attack the girl.

Sheila gets a note from her boyfriend, calling her to the outhouse which she thinks is a romantic place, and has spiders dropped on her. Ziggy chuckles and runs away but not before locking the door.

Tommy has turned into a vicious killer who doesn't care about the age group of the campers. Fortunately, the viewers are spared from seeing the gruesome scenes.

An alert is finally called and Nick, along with the other counsellor Gary leave to collect the other players. Ziggy wants to go to but Nick stops her and makes it public that he has feelings for her. As soon as he leaves, Ziggy is accosted by Sheila's friends for murdering their friend.

Ziggy remembers ditching Sheila and decides to be a hero by running off in the dark to get her.

More bodies drop as Tommy shows his expertise at wielding an axe.

Meanwhile, Cindy and Alice have an argument and both of them share their son stories and become friends again. They decide that the witch's diagram in the Nurse's diary is actually a map of the cave. They come upon something slimy pulsating inside and Alice decides she wants to touch it rather than step further away and make a disgusted face. She has a vision and sees dead people, even Cindy as a corpse.

She runs about trips and breaks a bone in her leg. Cindy manages to stick it back in and make a makeshift brace for the leg. She then finds red moss and believes they are near the outhouse.

Once Ziggy finds Sheila, the bully is pissed and attacks her. Gary comes to stop them but has attracted Tommy's attention.

Just as Ziggy breaks through the board and finds her sister, Tommy appears and slices off Gary's head and tosses it down to Cindy.

Ziggy runs away and manages to find Nick who helps her run and hide in the place where all spiders and snakes are kept.

Alice insists Cindy leave her and find her sister while she reads the nurse's diary and figures out what Nurse Lane didn't. The rock below the toilet is where Sara Fier's hand is. All these years...so much poop falling over the place where the witch's hand was...

Tommy follows them both inside and stabs Nick who, being a hero, tells Ziggy to run away.

Tommy chases Ziggy, not making sure whether Nick is really dead or not. Somewhere along the lines, they make it to the pantry and Ziggy neatly pulls a sack on Tommy's head and we now recognize him as one of the killers from the first part who came after Sam.

Tommy catches up with Ziggy and is about to kill her when Cindy pops up with a knife she found somewhere and kills him.

The sisters reunite and get Alice to join them who has brought the hand from the poop hole.

The girls decide to end the curse once and for all by burying the hand with the body but Ziggy wants to touch it instead, not caring she might end up breaking the bone that's been buried for so long. And then she even goes ahead and bleeds on it and has a vision of the witch.

The witch has triggered the curse which resurrects the killers, even Tommy whose hands twitch.

While Alice tells the sisters about her remarkable plan to be a hero too and not stay behind, Tommy puts an end to her hero career before it even begins by striking her with the axe.

There's more running around but this time there are other killers being sent to stop the girls from joining the hand to the body. There were so many names on the cave that bled but only two or three killers show up to harass the girls.

Cindy and Ziggy land up near the hanging tree and start digging but only find a rock instead of the skeletal remains that were found by the 90s tweens.

The killers advance and Cindy tries to be the hero and try to save her younger sister but Ziggy doesn't watch where she is going and is stabbed in the stomach for daring to bleed on Sara Fier's bones.

FEAR STREET PART TWO: 1978 Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Cindy is hacked repeatedly and we assume Ziggy is too as tragic music plays. The sisters try to reach out for each other as rain begins to fall and then die. The killers immediately leave as the task has been successfully completed.

Nick arrives and performs CPR on Ziggy and she comes back to life. Clearly, she wasn't stabbed properly by the killers.

As help is called, Ziggy tells Nick that the witch was behind it but he has a career he has to make for himself and can't go around spreading stories about witches. Ziggy's real name is Christine, hence, C. Berman.

In the present, Josh is stunned when he realizes she is Ziggy....he hasn't met either sister yet he cares deeply about the reveal.

Christine reveals the hand was left there by the tree and probably fell into the hole she was digging when looking for the body.

Deena decides to retrieve it but the tree is now at the mall. They get it and then head to the woods where Deena places the hand with the body.

She immediately sees Sara Fier and a flash of images of her life. But Deena also sees herself as Sara Fier and when she opens her eyes, sees her in a different place wearing a dull brown frock.

Cliffhanger for the next part!

This movie was an upgrade from the previous part and gives hope that this can truly be a cult movie.

But let's wait to see what happens in the third part.

Scare scale: 4/5

Fun fact: This part references Camp Nightwing that was featured in the book Light's Out

Keep Reading: 

Fear Street Part One: 1994

Fear Street Part Three: 1666


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