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The Block Island Sound-- Ending Spoilers

PLOT SUMMARY: A strange phenemenon disrupts life at Block Island Sound. When Harry's father disappears, Harry must get to the bottom of the mystery.

Our fascination with the unknown is what spurred studies and experiments which in turn has led to advancement in science.

We have always been curious about the world beyond our planet, have we not? Surely, we cannot be the only ones in the whole galaxy. There must be someone else on another planet, and it is that intrigue that has driven the imagination of countless writers. We have imagined the aliens to be blue or green, with giant heads and bulging eyes; with superpowers even.

But this begs the question, have we wondered what the aliens must think about us if they truly exist?
For all the movies and jokes about humans wanting to probe aliens...perhaps they are just as curious?


The movie begins with an old man called Tom waking up on his fishing boat, feeling confused. He sees a dog leash and wonders about it.

On the other side, his son Harry is having a drink with his friends, one of whom is called Dale who is a conspiracy theorist. He has some interesting views about field mice and cats that makes Harry scoff at him.
Nevertheless, he gives his friend a ride home and on the way, they hit a bird.
It isn't completely dead yet and Dale tells Harry to put it out of its misery. Harry hesitates long enough for the bird to die on its own.

When Harry comes home, he spots his father in the yard, just staring at a dog and looking confused when he is addressed.
The next morning Tom is gone and Harry has to go get him from a spot in the sea where his father is in a dishevelled state.

Reports of a strange phenomenon on the Block Island spreads and Harry's sister Audry, who has a job protecting the environment, is told to go there to investigate. Audry tries to make excuses to not go because she doesn't want to see her family but is not given a choice. Reluctantly she agrees to accompany her colleague Paul and takes her daughter Emily with her.

At the island, Audry and Paul investigate the shores where hundreds of fishes are lying dead. Emily is disturbed but then again which child wouldn't be seeing so many dead fishes. Audry rather Emily come to see the dead fishes than leave her with her family.

When they head home to see her father and brother, Harry attempts to bond with his niece by taking her midnight fishing only to regret it when they spot more dead fishes.
Audry noticed her father staring out the kitchen window at nothing. Then later at night, he stands over his sleeping granddaughter who screams in terror.

Tom is put to bed but when Harry and Audry awaken later, they can't find their father anywhere. Harry reveals to Audry that their father has done this before and Audry scolds him for hiding this fact. They go search for him at the spot Harry had found his father in before but this time the boat is there but not Tom.

As the hours pass, the police let Harry know not to expect good news. And unfortunately, the police turn out to be right. Tom's body is washed ashore and there are several bruises on him which the coroner claims came from him bashing his head against the rocks.
Harry and Audrey's sister Jen comes for the funeral and clearly, she doesn't get along with Harry either.
At the funeral, Harry keeps spotting Tom standing around and watching him with glazed eyes and an open mouth. When one of the guests insinuate that Harry let his father die in order to get the house, he punches the guest and ends up in jail for the night.

Audry and Jen get him out and on the way home, they get into an argument and Audry tells Harry to make amends with Jen.
Harry is starting to lose it and decides to speak to his friend Dale who is camping out and spinning more conspiracy theories. He tells Harry of the strange noise and dead fishes both being connected and that this phenomenon is being experienced all over the world.

Harry decides to get to the bottom of what really happened to his father and borrows scuba gear and takes out the fishing vessel.

However, Harry loses consciousness and awakens in the boat with no memory of how he got there. A strange noise is emitted in the radio before the electronics start to scramble.
Later when he drops off Jen at the ferry, he apologizes for his erratic behaviour and hopes they can have a better relationship. Then as he drives home, Harry is plagued by visions of Tom and hits a deer.

Audry decides Harry needs to see a psychologist for his problems. The psychologist thinks Harry might be suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity and that they need to see a former patient to get ideas on how to cope with it.
Harry doesn't care much for the idea and instead takes the boat out again to the same spot his father disappeared in. This time he also brings along a stolen dog. Something strange occurs and a whirlwind pulls up Harry and the dog with it as a sound is heard and the electronics scramble yet again.
When Harry regains consciousness, the dog is gone but the leash remains.

Audry can't take Harry's erratic behaviour and goes to see the former patient recommended by the psychologist while leaving her daughter Emily in the care of her colleague Paul who doesn't mind getting caught up in this drama.

When she goes to meet the man, he scares her and then goes on about other-worldly forces being behind the strange phenomenon.

Meanwhile, Harry sees Tom in the house again, screaming for the girl. Realising he's being asked to abduct Emily, Harry resists the coercion and takes a drive only to come across a female jogger. Unable to control his actions, he attacks the jogger.

THE BLOCK ISLAND SOUND Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Audry returns home to find the TV still going on but her daughter missing and Paul knocked out on the floor.
She hears her daughter scream and sees Harry abducting her and putting her in the fishing vessel. Audry just about manages to jump in. She tries to get to talk to Harry but he's in a psychotic trance and doesn't reply to her. He takes the vessel to the spot where everything gets sucked up and soon enough, the whirlwind appears to snatch up people.

Audry manages to barricade her daughter inside but is unfortunately pulled up into the sky.
Later, the authorities find Emily in a cabin and can't understand where the adults her.

Audry's voiceover repeats what she told her daughter in the movie previously; about fishes being taken out of their habitat to study and then put back in. Unfortunately, not all of them survive.

Audry is returned to the sea but this is supposed to mean that she was abducted by aliens, studied and then thrown back into her habitat. Harry was taken too and so the aliens either kept him or threw him back and he didn't survive because clearly, not all specimens survive experiments.

At least this is how I would explain the ending.

The movie had some interesting moments but more screen time was given to the family drama rather than the strange phenomenon.

Scare scale: 3/5


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