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Urban Legends: Mirrors and the Seven Year Theory

 Mirrors, for a long time, have been the only screen where we can see our true selves. This is the only way we can look at ourselves, at the clothes we are wearing and if they suit us, to help us apply makeup, to check for pimples, moles, unwanted hair...the list goes on.

Can we imagine going a whole day without looking into the mirror even once? Probably not.

Mirrors have existed for a long time now and of course, centuries ago, there were a lot of superstitious people who associated everything with bringing them either good or bad luck. So of course, mirrors have their own legend.

Break a mirror and you will be cursed with seven years bad luck is perhaps the most popular myth.

It stemmed from the theory the Romans had about life-renewing every seven years. If you look at yourself in the mirror and then accidentally break it, you've broken your cycle and must now go through a brand new seven-year cycle. And since this occurred unnaturally, the seven-year cycle is said to bring misfortunes.

Another theory is that when you look into the mirror, it reflects your soul, so when you break it, you've damaged your soul. And a damaged soul will have to face seven years of health problems.

As per this myth, your reflection in the mirror is proof that you have a soul. Now if you were a vampire you wouldn't have a reflection because everyone knows that vampires don't have a soul.

There are a lot of ways to break the supposed Seven years bad luck curse.

You could try these methods:

1) Broke the mirror? Now crush it even more but do be careful while doing it.

2) Immediately throw salt over your shoulder because the minute the mirror breaks and you are the last person it reflected, the devil will come to attack you. Now, this could be because it is angry about you being clumsy enough to break mirrors or because your soul is now up for grabs.

3) Spin counter-clockwise to confuse the bad luck that is coming your way. Or perhaps it is like turning back time to before you broke the mirror.

4) Bury the glass shards under a tree in the moonlight. Now it is imperative that the glass shards reflect the moon before your bury it.

5) Touch the broken shard against a tombstone. This is like passing on bad luck to the dead. There's no information on what happens when there is a zombie apocalypse. Or maybe this particular corpse won't rise because it is afflicted with bad luck?

6) Simply don't believe the superstition. Ignorance is bliss. The more you don't believe in something. The more it won't happen to you.

7) Don't keep any mirrors around you. Not in the house, don't drive a car, just simply shun every place where there is a mirror. No mirrors mean there is no chance of breaking them.

Modern problems require modern solutions?

So, the next time you break a mirror accidentally, try one of the tips to save yourself.


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