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Midnight Mass Trailer

 Often when we are faced with sire situations. we turn for any aid that we may receive, and most times, we are advised to seek spiritual or religious guidance. 

After all, our destinies are already written, we are expected to go with the flow. 

Well, that is a general belief anyway. There is more than one way to sort a problem and so sometimes we just push ourselves harder, get up every day and face the problem, take it in our stride and understand that we must go through this difficult situation in order to learn and grow from the experience. 

It all depends on what your religious beliefs are. 

Midnight Mass has an intriguing teaser that asks the question: Why? I don't understand. 

It is okay to say that when you look at the world. 

The words the characters utter add mystery to what this series is going to be about. As per the summary, the series is going to be about the return of a disgraced man and a charismatic priest. There are miracles that are supposed to happen, but most of what we see in the teaser is ominous. Especially the dead cats. 

One of the characters appears to be receiving shocking news regarding her pregnancy. The lights go out plenty of times, and there is a lot of rain. We also see a mob walking down a path with torches. Who are they coming after? 

The "disgraced" man probably. His secret must be about the woman he keeps seeing and no doubt was responsible in some way behind her death. 

As for the "charismatic" priest, clearly, the townspeople appear to be quite taken with him, yet when he speaks to the "disgraced" man, there is a certain amount of smugness in him, as if he knows the other man suspects what he really is but he simply doesn't care to hide it anymore. 

He talks about the fact that the more we know, the less we bend, and the more brittle we become. And so easier to break. This may allude to those people who question religion, who refuse it and therefore live a life unable to have faith in anything. What's life if you can't trust anything or anyone? 

The dialogues clearly add to the mystique of this show and arouse curiosity. 

An interesting part of this series is the title itself. Midnight Mass is supposed to be a service that takes place on Christmas Eve to honour God and dedicate the festive season to Him. 

Here's a little bit of trivia: the title Midnight Mass has been used at least twice in Mike Flanagan's (Writer and Director) projects. In the movie HUSH (2016), the protagonist Maddie Young is the author of the book MIDNIGHT MASS. 

In GERALD'S GAME (based on Stephen King's novel), Jessie throws a book at the dog. Which book is it? MIDNIGHT MASS BY MADDIE YOUNG. 

Clearly, the idea has been floating around since 2016 at least. 

The series will premiere on September 24th and hopefully, we will get a proper trailer before that which will give us more insight into the story and the characters. 


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