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Scary Monsters: Cthulhu


We have all heard of Cthulhu, though not exactly able to pronounce it. 

It is supposed to be pronounced: kuh-thoo-loo. 

What is a Cthulhu? It is a fictional entity created by acclaimed writer H.P. Lovecraft, but that isn't where the fiction ends. There is a whole universe and mythos created on that entity. 

Here are some fun facts about Cthulhu: 

1) Came from the minds of prolific writer H.P. Lovecraft

2) Was born on the planet Vhoorl in the 23rd Nebula.

3) Featured in the short story Call of the Cthulu

4) Known to have a squid-like head with tentacles protruding, dragon wings and around 600 feet tall.

5) Is known to haunt dreams and eventually control the minds of people.

6) Was put to sleep in its underground kingdom R'yleh which is supposed to be in the South Pacific Ocean.

7) Has laid asleep for years now. Eventually, it will awake and put an end to humankind.

8) Cthulu is known not to despise humankind but has a nonchalant attitude towards it, kind of like us and cockroaches. We don't hate those pesky little insects, but when we see them we surely want to step on them.

Isn't it lucky that the Cthulhu is sleeping?

9) Cthulhu has a cult following. His followers are waiting for Cthulhu to awaken and if he doesn't, are seeking ways to wake him up just so that they can bring about the apocalypse.

Some of them think Cthulhu is communicating with them through dreams.

10) In 1997, a strange sound was heard in the hydrophones across the Pacific and picked up by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

No one could determine what the sound was and it was speculated to belong to the one creature that was thought to be lying dormant in that area...the Cthulhu, of course.

For years horror fans were thrilled with this unidentified recording and the cult followers obviously thought their deity was waking up.

In 2012, it was discovered that the sounds were mostly ice cracking. Some studies were conducted and results stated that it was the sound of an ice quake, much to the disappointment of horror fans everywhere.


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