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Creepy Urban Legends: Villa de Vecchie


When we think of haunted houses, we think of an unsolved crime that had taken place, resulting in a vengeful spirit wandering the house until justice is served.

The haunting behind Villa de Vecchi in Italy has a bit of a different story.

Felix de Vecchi was a count who served as a soldier. When he eventually returned home, he sought a life of peace and quiet and found his dream location just east of Lake Como.

He was in his thirties, well-travelled and simply wanted to settle down. He contacted architect Alessandro Sidoli and designed the perfect home for himself which had an Eastern influence, and all the modern facilities of that time, including dumbwaiters. The highlight was the pressurised fountain in front of the house.

The Villa was supposed to be a dream home constructed with passion but that is when something unexpected happened. Alessandro Sidoli passed away before the project could be completed.

Many people saw it as a bad omen.  But Felix de Vecchi thought nothing of it and once the house was completed, moved in there with his wife and daughter.

But Felix's dream of living a quiet life with his wife was shattered.

One day, when he returned from his travels, he entered his dream home to find a great tragedy had taken place. His wife had been murdered, her face disfigured.

Felix's next rude shock was to discover that his daughter was missing.

There were several theories as to what exactly transpired that day. Felix was a soldier, so did his enemy kill his wife? Was it an incident of a robbery that resulted in the wife being killed? Was the daughter kidnapped?

One theory states that the daughter was the one who murdered her mother and then ran away.

Felix never found peace after that. Shaken and depressed after what happened, he spent several months searching for his daughter before he gave up and committed suicide.

The house went to Felix's brother who immediately ordered remodelling of the house, removing all Eastern influence.

But the house kept being passed on and didn't have a stable inhabitant. The locals started to believe the house was haunted and were certain they heard screams at night.

Some swore they heard a piano playing over and over until a vandal went over to the abandoned villa and destroyed it.

The creepy part...people could still hear the piano playing.

The house now lays in shambles and is vandalized brutally, destroying the dream Felix once had. There is graffiti with occult symbols too which people associated with witches residing there now and termed the place as The House of Witches.

Nobody will ever know the mystery of the house and what really happened to Felix and his family.

The only witness to the truth is the house that stands despite the avalanche that took place years ago.

Felix de Vecchi's house is resilient for sure and within its walls lies the answers to the mystery.


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