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First Impressions (with spoilers!): Chucky--The TV show

 Let's face it; if you're looking for amazing writing, great acting and meaningful dialogues, then Chucky isn't the show you might want to watch.

The Chucky series is quite honestly, ridiculous. I mean, a talking doll? Who murders people? Come on. Who can't overpower a simple doll?

But Chucky is unlike any other doll and if you're a fan of the Chucky franchise, you would know exactly why and what to expect.

The great thing about the series is that the tone of the Chucky stories has been kept intact.

It's like watching the usual Chucky movie except you have to wait every week to find out what happens next.

If only the whole season of Chucky had come out like on streaming services, I would say Chucky is definitely binge-worthy.

What's not to like about the red-headed murderous doll with a wicked sense of humor?

Chucky is in his essence in this series and the problem is that the other characters have to strive to hard to match up to a doll. You will find yourselves waiting for the next Chucky scene. Luckily, there are enough scenes to keep you on the edge of your seat.

When the first episode begins, a teenager, Jake, picks up a Good Guy doll. Yes, it's Chucky!

The woman is happy to get rid of him but it seems clear she doesn't know much about the doll.

Now why would a teenage want a doll? To build a creepy doll sculpture of course. Jake is interested in arts and has been using doll heads to make sculptures. He is teased at school about his sexuality but he doesn't care much for it.

He's interested in hearing the podcasts of his classmate Devon, while also interested in him in another way as well. Another classmate, Lexy, picks on Jake a lot while her boyfriend and Jake's cousin Junior, stays quiet and let's his girlfriend do what she wants.

At dinner, Jake's father calls his brother, his wife and Junior and a comment is made about Jake having different tastes.

He gets made and as soon as the guests leave, proceeds to smash Jake's artwork, warning him to choose a different career path. Chucky is left behind.

Jake takes Chucky to school where the doll helps him dissect a frog. Everyone is shocked at the violence and Jake begins to suspect his doll might be holding onto secrets.

He receives a call from a stranger when he researches the doll online. The stranger asks him to check the batteries.

Jake does exactly that and is shocked to discover his doll is talking without batteries. Later, when he hands his teacher Chucky and he returns home, Jake gets nervous. He now understands that his doll is alive. Chucky confirms his suspicions by talking to him.

Chucky is his usual witty and sarcastic self but Jake still doesn't think the doll is as dangerous as the stranger warned him about.

Chucky comes to school on talent show day and reveals secrets about all everyone present after being riled by Lexy.

Lexy is insulted and she storms off, much to the amusement of her little sister Caroline.

Junior's mother is revealed to be harboring secrets after she made a call in front of Chucky at Jake's House.

Later, when Jake is at home and his father insults him, Chucky decides his friend-till-the-end needs a change of house.

Jake's father is electrocuted thanks to Chucky and Jake is shocked to find his father dead.

The police are called and Jake is sent to stay with his uncle and aunt and Junior.

Chucky tags along of course.

It will be interesting to see what Chucky does next. So far we've seen him go after adults. Is he going to go after teens as well?

Will Jake be able to adjust with his cousin Junior?

Is Junior not such a bad boy?

And Lexy...she has definitely made it on Chucky's list but it is unlikely she's going to be the next victim. She is one of the main characters after all.

Chucky is a definitely a must-watch for Chucky fans.

Just don't think too much, sit back and let Chucky do what he does best.

Continue watching: 3/5

Of course. 


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