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Halloween Movie picks (2021)

There have been some amazing horror movies that have come out this year and a lot of them have succeeded in enthralling and frightening the audience. 

My picks for this year are those movies that dared to be different and had a nice little twist that you find out only in the final scene. 

1) Malignant: If there’s one movie that you shouldn’t miss watching this year, it is this gem. Malignant is one of those movies that will take you by surprise. It is an ideal example of what good writing and good direction look like. When you reach the third act, you will not understand what exactly is going on but will realize that without proper execution, this plot twist would have ruined the movie and it wouldn’t have been lauded for being brave and compelling. 

This is the perfect movie to watch/rewatch on Halloween. 

2) Fear Street Trilogy: Fans who grew up on R.L. Stine books should not miss this trilogy. The last part, especially, is a well-made movie with just the right amount of horror and drama. 
The second part is reminiscent of the 70’s camp slasher movies and is effective. 
The first part introduces the mystery and the characters and has the talked-about bread slicer scene. 

A must-watch for horror fans for sure. 

3) Boys From County Hell: What’s a Halloween celebration without vampires? Here’s one about the allegedly original vampire: The Abhartach. This is a fun take on a couple of townsfolk trying to take down the legendary vampire. Do they succeed? Sort of…

4) The Unholy: Your faith is what gives you hope to live your life. But what if you put your faith in the wrong place? A mute girl in a quiet, sleepy town suddenly starts to talk and displays the ability to help people with disabilities. A disgraced journalist manages to get to the bottom of the mystery and discovers a much more evil lurking behind the supposed miracles. 

5) Bloody Hell: This is the best horror-comedy you will watch this year. A man who makes a mistake during a bank robbery, tries to flee his demons only to end up in a dangerous situation. Who can save him? Only him, of course. Yes, he keeps seeing himself and having lengthy conversations with his funny, sarcastic self. 

6) Boomika: A redeveloper brings along his wife and sisters to an abandoned property. Eerie things begin to happen immediately with the spirit seemingly conversing with them via text messages on a cellphone without a battery. 
The annoying part was that one sister who is skittish and keeps screaming. 

When the truth is revealed, it makes you wonder if you are actually taking care of the environment. The movie is named Boomika, meaning Earth, so of course it had to do with something with saving the planet. 
The movie drags a bit in the second half but retains itself in the climax. An interesting movie to watch for sure. 

7) The Old Ways: Old ways are the best ways, aren’t they? A bruja uses old customs to drive demons out of people’s bodies. A journalist is skeptical at first but when she experiences hauntings and realizes she’s possessed, she is ready to do whatever it takes to fight the demons. 

8) Willy’s Wonderland: Another horror-comedy you should definitely check out. Horror-comedies have become popular, haven’t they? 
The interesting part of this movie is that it stars Nicolas Cage who doesn’t utter a single dialogue. 
He’s also a demon slayer and who are the demons? Animatronics in an abandoned entertainment restaurant. 
Do give this a shot. 

9) Blood Red Sky: Vampires again. But this time with a twist. When a plane is hijacked, a mother will do whatever it takes to protect her son. The twist? The hijackers have no idea who they are dealing with. The mother isn’t an ordinary woman. She’s a vampire.  

10) Shook: Social media stars have it easy, don’t they? Or that is what we think. What we don’t realize is the scrutiny they are under or the trolling they are sometimes subjected to. 
Shook is a horror movie so this time the social media stars are not victims of vicious trolling but murders. 
Mia finds her friends are being killed off one by one. And then she finds out what and why it is happening and it is sort of heartbreaking. 

Shook is a different kind of horror for sure and one you need to check out. 

So, these are my Halloween Picks for this year, 

Have a spooky Halloween! 



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