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Horror Movies to watch out for in 2022

2022 is set to bring in a range of horror movies that are set to excite horror fans of cult favorites.

If you loved Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, well guess what? All these movies are headed to your screen soon enough.

While details of the Nightmare on Elm Street are still under wraps, and some claim the reboot is only a rumor,  I for one would be so excited and on board for the new movie. Why? Because of all the Horror franchises,  Nightmare on Elm Street is my favorite. I mean, you can literally be killed in your dreams.

And then there are some movies from the 90s and 2000s that are also going to have either a sequel or a reboot.

Remember Final Destination. Do you also remember how the last movie showed that life comes full circle and makes a connection with the first movie? Also, you do know you can't cheat death right? Well, there are rumors that there is going to be a Final Destination 6 coming out soon!

Then there's the 2009 hit movie  Orphan. Slated for released on January 28th, the prequel to the critically acclaimed movie is set to release. Titled Orphan: First Kill, it is going to show Esther pretending to be a family's lost daughter. Can't wait to see the twist the cast keeps talking about. There is something wrong with Esther after all...

In June, Jordan Peele's new and mysterious movie Nope is set to release. Why is it mysterious? Because the plot has been kept under wraps. There's only a poster released that shows a cloudy blue sky with a spaceship. Could it be about aliens? And with a title like Nope, could Jordan Peele be heading back to his comedy roots and making a horror comedy? Can't wait for more details to be available on this one.

In October, we have the highly anticipated Halloween Ends. Yes, the Halloween franchise is supposedly going to end with this part. Or is it? What are the chances there is going to be a prequel about Michael Myers?

Anyway, it would be interesting to see how this elusive and supernatural Michael Myers will finally be killed. Of course Laurie Strode is going to do it. But how?

There is also a chance that the sequel to Nun 2 will release this year. Again, no details available yet.

Insidious: The Dark Realm will release sometime in April. Again there are no details of the plot and the movie will be directed by Patrick Wilson who has starred in the previous Insidious movies.

There is also going to be a couple of movies based on Stephen King's novels. Salem's Lot, Firestarter, a Pet Sematary project, Talisman, Christine....pretty much all of his novels are going to be adapted into movies. What remains to be seen is what will release in 2022. I for one would be excited to see a movie on my favorite novel Rose Madder.

As for TV shows, we can expect to see a new season of the hit show Chucky coming soon as well as a TV show by Mike Flannagan called The Midnight Club. It is supposed to be about five terminally patients who get together at midnight to share scary stories. Sounds interesting.

Mike Flannagan has also landed the project to adapt Edgar Allen Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher. The star cast boasts of all the previous actors in Mike Flannagan's other shows.

2021 had some hidden gems like The Trip,  Bloody Hell, Willy's Wonderland, The Night House, etc. Let's hope 2022 has an array of horror movies that will entertain and excite all Horror fans.

Fingers crossed. 


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