Classic Horror Movies: The Golem

Think about monster movies or "creature features" and the first thing you're apt to come up with is Godzilla, Jaws, mutated crocodiles or perhaps dinosaurs (Jurassic Park).

You wouldn't be wrong to assume the creature features began in the late seventies and eighties because how can anybody earlier than that manage with special effects and training animals.

Believe it or not, the first monster movie came out in 1915, The Golem.

The Golem was a silent film that was part of a trilogy.

The movie is about an antique dealer finding a Golem while he searches the ruins of a Jewish Temple. There is a backstory to The Golem, and more in explored in the final part, The Golem: How he came into the world, that serves as a prequel.

The dealer resurrects the Golem using the amulet so that he can have a servant but the Golem falls in love with the dealer's daughter, Jessica.
But Jessica doesn't care for the Golem and this infuriates him to the point that he goes on a killing spree.

Now this movie exists in only bits and parts and can be found on YouTube. From the few scenes viewable, the Golem goes behind Jessica who escapes with her lover. The Golem is also stabbed so someone clearly tried to subdue him.

In the end, the Golem, Jessica, her lover, and her father are all atop a tower. Jessica tricks the Golem and pushes him to his death.

But is he really dead?

Probably not. When do monster ever die in horror movies. And then there is a sequel...

The Golem may be lost over time but it thankfully inspired people to make more monster movies.

Watch it here


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