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THE WILDLING--Should you watch it?

 If there's one movie you want to avoid watching, it's The Wildling, and no, it's not because it is a terrible film.

If anything, it isn't a movie at all. So do not be tricked into watching it and expecting to watch a complete movie.

It is not. 

The Wildling was supposed to be a TV series and a two-hour pilot was shot, hoping to interest production houses into picking it up. It was, however, not picked up. 


The show/movie was about a family who welcomes daughter Kayla back after she spends ten years in an institution. She was apparently seeing ghosts and told her mother about it who was a psychiatrist. For her sake, her mother sent her away and when she returns Kayla is grouchy as ever with suppressed anger issues. The word "freak" and "psycho" sets her off and when she gets aggressive with a guy from her class (but note she punches the locker instead, therefore showing great restraint), parents are called and she is suspended.

On the other side is Doctor Emily Bergom who has some mental issues of her own and keeps hearing numbers. Her connection is with Kayla's mother who is also Emily's doctor. Emily keeps finding sticks and stones in her house that she knows is not from anywhere near her house but something her kids enjoy playing with. She keeps screaming about "it" following her home but we are never going to find out what is exactly going on. 

Then there's George who lives in a motel, flirts with the receptionist at night, and during the day, goes to children's graves and picks up stuff left by loved ones. He then finds a way to get the children to talk to him so that he can relay the messages to their parents, all for a price of course. The parents go as far as to call him sick but he shrugs it off. He has to eat after all, so why not use his gift. But shocker time...he's Kayla's real father. He does mention losing his daughter when she was six, he must mean figuratively considering Kayla is very much alive. She spent ten years in an institution so to him it must be the same as losing her considering that led to a separation with Kayla's mother too. 

Now Kayla keeps seeing a missing girl in her visions. Of course, the mother doesn't believe her. But Kayla makes her mother stop the car and run amok in the woods. The mother finds the body of not only this missing girl but her whole family which drowned in the river. 

What happened to them? No idea. And we will also never know. 

And Kayla, does she ever return home? Again, not very likely considering the show/movie was never picked up. 

Of all the movies, why does Netflix even have this in the movie category? 

So unless you own a channel or a production house and are looking to find a perplexing, uninteresting show you want to put all your money in, avoid watching THE WILDLING. 


  1. This is a good post. This post gives truly quality information. I’m definitely going to look into it. Really very useful tips are provided here. Thank you so much. Keep up the good works. Haikyuu netflix


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