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Too Late-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: Violet is an assistant to popular comedian Bob Devore. It is her job to not only take charge of bookings but also to make sure Bob is well-fed. 

Ever wonder where comedians find their inspiration to create jokes from?
Most of it is observation and their reactions to a situation. There is a writing process involved, a lot of practice and a lot of hard work before a joke is finally written. At least that's what most comedians say in their interviews.

Or maybe it is none of these things and it is all about devouring a funny person to acquire their talent. At least that is what Too Late seems to be all about.

TOO LATE Movie Plot 

Too Late is about a special comedy show in which popular comedian Bob Devore is a star of. His assistant Violet is also the one in charge of booking aspiring comedians to the show as well as a small one she holds at cafes.

Violet has dreams of being a comedian herself but she's too busy being the assistant to a very demanding Bob who has entrusted her with one of his secrets.

Violet does have friends like Belinda but she is lonely and can't help but feel that any guy who walks up to her just wants to use her to get into Bob's Too Late show.

All that is evident when at the café, she's hosting a show, a guy called Dax begins to harass her until she firmly tells him to simply email or write to her on the fan page.

Dax refuses to be dismissed that easily and after the show, practically forces himself on Violet who makes the decision to introduce him to Bob. There is some hesitance in her demeanour but we learn later it isn't because she's afraid Dax was an average comedian and might ruin the show. It is because Bob isn't actually what everyone thinks he is.

Soon enough we are shown the truth about Bob. Right after the show, Dax is brought into Bob's room and Violet locks the door from the outside. As Dax drones on, Bob gets behind him and we see his hands turn into stubby monster hands with claws. Yes, Bob is a monster who devours comedians. He either does it to steal their youth or their talent or perhaps both.

Violet barely regrets what happens to Dax because of the way he had harassed her. But then she meets Jimmy, a man with wit but who hasn't realized his dream yet. Violet sees a bit of her in him which is probably why she gets attracted to him in the first place.

She enjoys her time with Jimmy only for one day to put him in one of her modest cafe shows and have Bob see him. He immediately takes an interest in Jimmy and asks Violet to bring him in.

Violet is terrified. She knows what Bob does to comedians and she doesn't want Jimmy to be the next meal.

So when comedian Chase takes an interest in her, she makes out with him in front of Jimmy who then breaks up with her.

TOO LATE Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Violet is upset at her breakup especially since Jimmy didn't walk away like she expected him to; rather he's now being offered a part in Bob's show. She thinks about taking some pills and then comes up with a better idea.

The next day, while spending time with Chase, she slips the pills in his drink and when he falls unconscious, drags him to Bob's room and "serves" him up. Bob happily complies only for the sedatives to work on him as well.

Violet calls her friend and after convincing her of Bob's truth, enlists her help on tossing Bob into the river.

The women just about manage to throw the box containing Bob into the river before heading back home. But Bob isn't so easily defeated and he returns, still in monster form, and looking for something "funny" to eat.

Violet is making up with Jimmy when Bob arrives. He devours Violet who then rips open his stomach and climbs out, defeating Bob once and for all.

Jimmy is shocked but happy to have the love of his life back.

Violet is now no longer in charge of booking shows because well, Bob isn't there to advance her career. But she now has enough confidence to follow her dreams.

At the café, she takes the stage and before she can deliver a joke, the movie ends.

Now we will never know if Violet has the potential to be a comedian or not. Or if she was even funny.

The movie is light on the stomach so to speak because the scenes that could have been violent, all happen off-screen. It's supposed to be a horror-comedy but doesn't completely do justice to both genres.

It's an enjoyable watch though and something you can watch while

Scare scale: 3/5 


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