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Horror Weekly News


Who hasn’t heard of the Foo Fighters? They have recorded more than 150 songs and sold over 30 million records worldwide. What’s next for them? 

A horror movie, of course. 

Dave Grohl, the founder of Foo Fighters, is credited with the story for the movie Studio 666. According to Dave Grohl, the story came to him when he moved into a house, that looked haunted, to record his music. When he learned that there was a horror movie being planned keeping the Foo Fighters in mind, he was reluctant at first but then gave in when he realized the house he lived in was perfect for a horror movie. 


 The story is about Dave Grohl, of course. Soon enough he becomes possessed by a spirit and goes on a killing spree. This horror-comedy is set to release on February 25th. 

The film also stars Jenna Ortega, Whitney Cummings and Will Forte. 

In other news…

It’s no surprise that after the recent success of horror TV shows like Midnight Mass, The Haunting of Hill House, and Archive 81, the horror genre has taken a great lift. 

Especially in the past year, movies like Malignant, the Fear Street Trilogy, Last Night in Soho, The Deep House, etc, have made a mark at the box office and received favorable reviews from critics. 

It isn’t surprising then, that the master of horror, Stephen King would have more of his novels adapted for the screen. 

This year promises several adaptations of Stephen King’s novels, starting with Firestarter. 


 The novel was released in 1980, followed by a movie in 1984 starring Drew Barrymore in the titular role. 

The story is about a girl who possesses pyrokinetic powers and becomes a target of secret government agents who want to get their hands on her. 

The 2022 version stars Zac Efron as the father and Ryan Kiera Armstrong as Charlene "Charlie" McGee. 

The movie is slated for release on May 13th 2022


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