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BLINK: Short Horror Film Ending Explained


The first original short film to come out of Screen Gems (Sony Pictures’ genre label) and Ground Control’s horror film lab “Scream Gems”, BLINK was released on YouTube on March 15th. 

The movie is about a girl called Mary who awakens in a hospital and discovers to her horror that she is unable to move. Worse, her assailant, the one who threw her out the window is with her. 

The movie is terrifying and the atmosphere tense. 

We see Mary awaken and then grow tense. A nurse comes over and pacifies her. After asking her to squeeze her hand and trying to get her to speak, the nurse promises to get her some help. 

She then tries to get Mary to answer a few questions by making her blink. She asks her about the incident leading up to her accident and is taken aback to find that Mary not only knew her assailant but that she doesn’t classify her attacker as a man or woman. Then what could it be?

The nurse leaves for a bit and Mary finds herself enveloped in fear when she notices the entity has come after her and standing in the corner of the room. Naturally, she can neither scream nor able to defend herself. 

Her bed begins to move and she is turned towards the window. The window is opened and the bed is made to straighten. Mary finds herself, once again, at risk of being thrown out the window. 

The nurse arrives just in time and closes the window and veers the bed back to its position. The nurse makes a call and Mary tries to warn her. The entity is nearby, crawling on the ceiling. 

In the next instant, the entity grabs the nurse and kills her while Mary watches helplessly as the entity comes to her next. 

The movie had plenty of frightening aspects to it and we sympathize with Mary who can do nothing but lay helplessly and watch the entity win. 

It is quite common for shorts to turn into full-fledged feature films should they gain popularity. 

Blink works as a short film. A 90-minute film would drag on and compromise on quality scenes. However, an extension of the story may help answer some questions. 

How does she know the entity? She did blink to the nurse that she did know who pushed her. Why is it after Mary? Why is it important for it to throw Mary out the window and not simply kill it like it had the nurse? 

The entity seems keen to make it look like Mary either committed suicide or had an accident. 

It would really help to know the entity’s intentions unless it is the same old trope where Mary conducted a seance and beckoned the spirit who came after her. Accidentally, of course. Seances in horror movies never go as planned and always let some evil spirit or another enter to kill the characters except for the final girl in a tank top. 

So yes, Blink works wonderfully as a short film and perhaps it is better that not all questions are always answered. 

Scare Scale: 4/5


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